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Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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Do you want to stalk me? Well, you've come to the right place! Make some popcorn and enjoy my boring life. And bonus, here is my address... lol no. If you have stumbled across this world for the first time, click here to know who I'm exactly talking about in this blog.
PM me anytime, I don't bite. *thumbs up*


My Other Worlds
Quote Crescent
Meme Tower
AN-IMEzing World!

Last updated: Jan.3/15



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I'm getting really lazy these days... I have to write like 5 reviews in AN-IMEzing World! but I'm literally like this:

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I have so much to do this weekend. I have at least 5 things to do! Imma list them out:

My Freaking List

  • Do 5 reviews in AN-IMEzing World! (Vampire Knight/Guilty, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hetalia, Free, Sword Art Online)
  • Finish model for Science project
  • Finish picture book for Tech project
  • Practice singing for audition
  • Drink a lot of water and do anything to make myself feel better from being sick
  • Get monologue for audition
  • Do essay for exam
  • Finish my o.c
  • Exercise and stop procrastinating on this point!!!
  • Decide whether or not I should keep Writers' Workplace
  • Post a few quotes in Quote Crescent

So I've included my school stuff in the list as well lol

And I'm sick. T.T I woke up with a runny/stuffy nose this morning and my voice sounds weird as a result from the 2 days prior when my sore throat started. About the audition part, at my school, I wanted to audition for a musical. The musical will be The Little Mermaid. So I have to sing a song of my choice at the audition and say a 1 min monologue. But now my voice sounds like a giraffe speaking retarded English so I'm just like TTUTT

I'm going to update the list whenever I get one of them accomplished.

Also, I started to notice the drama that's appearing at school. And I don't like it. I thought this school year would be better than last year. Guess not. So many feelings are being broken, so many problems, and I think there's a chance that friends are going to end up as strangers. It hurts.

That's... life... right? :(


Remembrance Day BP #53

"We will remember and we will never forget."

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So today is Remembrance Day! You know how I mentioned, I think, in a couple posts back on how I had like a drama practice for an assembly? Well it was for the Remembrance Day Assembly, which was today. In the assembly, we had 3 scenes. I feel like we messed up. T messed up too, but I think that was because 3 guys were backstage and they were supposed to help him carry a guy who was "dead" off-stage after T said a monologue. S was in the right wing while I was in the left. S was trying to tell T from off-stage to wrap his arm around his shoulder and try to somehow sorta make the guy lean against T while T is dragging him off. But T didn't understand S's hand gestures and he ended up trying to carry the guy bridal style. But after a second of trying to lift the guy, T put him back down. S was trying to explain some more but T made a "whatever" gesture with his hands. I don't know if he noticed that over 600 people just saw him do that. After he did that, he walked off-stage and just left the guy there until the big curtains closed for preparation for scene 3.

Me and my friends were laughing about it afterward and laughing about his now cracky-ish and extremely deep puberty voice while he was saying the monologue. But now I feel bad about laughing at him because he's probably embarrassed and I know exactly how that feels since I've experienced it before... in front of 2/3 of the students at school. *Sigh*

Also, me and R were talking about how it would be like violating Remembrance Day if someone wore bright clothes. And we saw some people who wore bright clothes. T.T

I also FINALLY caught up to date with the 30 Comment Challenge!

One final thing: Did you guys stand up for a moment of silence at 11 am?


Happy Halloween! BP #52


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Happy Halloween, everyone!

For me, the thing that sucks about this Halloween is that it's pretty gloomy and it's raining today. -.-
Also, I had like a last-minute costume. I was going to be a fortune teller, like I said yesterday, but I couldn't find the right clothes to wear. Eventually, I came out of my room wearing jeans, a black top with sequins on it, black gloves, a white sequined glove that lights up, my hair in a ponytail (I put the ponytail up at school since I was in a rush), and a scarf to put on my head but since it was folded, I didn't really see what the pattern was. Then when I went to school and unfolded the scarf, it kinda looked like a cap that Captain America would wear... except with a few flowers on it.

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Then when people asked me what I was supposed to be and I replied "fortune teller," they saw the white glove and thought that I was Micheal Jackson. When I wore the scarf, one of my friends said I looked like an old lady. TT.TT

So in the end, I realized that I was a collab of costumes. Messed up ones. Now I know that next year, I'm going to be a goth mixed with emo. Perfect. TT____TT

R went as a die (you know... a dice), L went as a person from Attack Of Titans and M.T went as a goth version of Gumi.

T... I don't even know WHAT he is, but I think he's dressed up as vader or IDK. He had like black cloth on him and idk. And he drew a black circle around each eye and colored it in using what looked like WASHABLE MARKER. It would have been so much better if he used a liquid eye liner. *Face palm* Me and G were joking around that T just went as his true self because he was being mean to G for some reason. Idk. I say "idk" a lot. lol

A had those sweaters which the zipper goes all the way up the hood. You know those hoodies that One Direction wore in one of their X Factor videos and they were just like "We, are, one, direction! Yay!"? That.

C had half his face in like a skeleton face. It was pretty cool.

Most of my other friends just went as themselves. lol

One of my guy friends, H, had such a creative costume! He was a Facebook profile! He had like a white, hard, bristol board and painted some areas with different shades of blue like an actual profile! And you know the space where the profile picture is? He cut a rectangle and put his head through it and walked around. LOL And everyone including me were writing on his "wall." I was like commenting on some of the stuff other people said and writing some stuff of my own. R was just like "You're like editing everything lol" and then I wrote on the 'wall,' "(My name) the editor!" XD

Also, I couldn't go trick-or-treating. :( I'll just get some crappy candy from the lobby in my building instead. Hope you guys had a fun Halloween!


School, Guys, and Crazy Best Friends BP #51


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It's been a while since I last BP-ed. o.o

About my last post, if you remember, I found my sketchbook in my math binder the day after I posted that post. Wtf was it doing there...? xD

School's been ok. Besides me getting a B+ on a French test (DX WHY?! But good thing there was a re-test today for the whole class) and everyone getting the news that there isn't going to be a Halloween dance, everything's fine.

Oh yeah, A.S's birthday is today! And B's birthday is tomorrow! And the day after is Halloween! xD What are you guys going to be for Halloween? I was going to be Slenderman, but since there is a no-mask rule, I had to call it off. And I didn't have the costume ready anyway. ^^' So I might go as a fortune teller instead; which is what I did for some other years.

Guys. .3. (Best subject change ever. lol)
A is so damn jealous of G liking someone else, holy shiz. xD He's trying too hard to get her to notice him again. It's so obvious. lol
G thinks C (her crush) likes someone else but I think he likes her back. There's like 5 guys who like her! 2 guys (XD G went on a cruise over the summer and there were 2 guys that asked her to dance), C, A, and this other guy at school that is extremely obvious that he likes her. And for the number of guys that like me... 1. Who is now 8 years old. :T And MAYBE one of my friends who's a guy because R thinks that he might like me. Also, 2 more guys know that I like T. Blah.
And my core-teacher from 2 years ago keeps freaking molesting my earmuffs and says that it looks soft. Which is true. XD

AND, when I put my earmuffs down so the round ear thingys are right under my chin, my friends started laughing and it ended up as me and my friends going up to people with that earmuff position and saying "Don't take steroids kids, it's bad for you! See, look what happened to me!" XDD
"Earmuffs" has lost its name and now it's Steroid Beard. LOL

I also haven't been catching up with the 30 Day Comment Slam Challenge! I'll try catching up tomorrow.


Oh No. BP #50


