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Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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Last updated: Jan.3/15

Happy Halloween! BP #52


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Happy Halloween, everyone!

For me, the thing that sucks about this Halloween is that it's pretty gloomy and it's raining today. -.-
Also, I had like a last-minute costume. I was going to be a fortune teller, like I said yesterday, but I couldn't find the right clothes to wear. Eventually, I came out of my room wearing jeans, a black top with sequins on it, black gloves, a white sequined glove that lights up, my hair in a ponytail (I put the ponytail up at school since I was in a rush), and a scarf to put on my head but since it was folded, I didn't really see what the pattern was. Then when I went to school and unfolded the scarf, it kinda looked like a cap that Captain America would wear... except with a few flowers on it.

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Then when people asked me what I was supposed to be and I replied "fortune teller," they saw the white glove and thought that I was Micheal Jackson. When I wore the scarf, one of my friends said I looked like an old lady. TT.TT

So in the end, I realized that I was a collab of costumes. Messed up ones. Now I know that next year, I'm going to be a goth mixed with emo. Perfect. TT____TT

R went as a die (you know... a dice), L went as a person from Attack Of Titans and M.T went as a goth version of Gumi.

T... I don't even know WHAT he is, but I think he's dressed up as vader or IDK. He had like black cloth on him and idk. And he drew a black circle around each eye and colored it in using what looked like WASHABLE MARKER. It would have been so much better if he used a liquid eye liner. *Face palm* Me and G were joking around that T just went as his true self because he was being mean to G for some reason. Idk. I say "idk" a lot. lol

A had those sweaters which the zipper goes all the way up the hood. You know those hoodies that One Direction wore in one of their X Factor videos and they were just like "We, are, one, direction! Yay!"? That.

C had half his face in like a skeleton face. It was pretty cool.

Most of my other friends just went as themselves. lol

One of my guy friends, H, had such a creative costume! He was a Facebook profile! He had like a white, hard, bristol board and painted some areas with different shades of blue like an actual profile! And you know the space where the profile picture is? He cut a rectangle and put his head through it and walked around. LOL And everyone including me were writing on his "wall." I was like commenting on some of the stuff other people said and writing some stuff of my own. R was just like "You're like editing everything lol" and then I wrote on the 'wall,' "(My name) the editor!" XD

Also, I couldn't go trick-or-treating. :( I'll just get some crappy candy from the lobby in my building instead. Hope you guys had a fun Halloween!

