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Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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My Other Worlds
Quote Crescent
Meme Tower
AN-IMEzing World!

Last updated: Jan.3/15

Don't Drop That Chicken! BP #45


I forgot to say that on Monday, me and B were working on something in the school library, and then this guy, J (he's in our class), called us from behind. When we looked, he took a bilingual picture book and was like "Listen, I'm going to read you a story cuz I understand this language," while me and B were like ".-. Ok?" Then he was like "So one day there was a pelican," and I started laughing. xD

Today, at lunch outside, me, S, A.S, and other person were playing Ninja. It's when you stand in a tight circle then jump outwards once. Afterwards, a person has to slap another's hand in one move and freeze in that position and the other person has to dodge it. And so on.

And at some point, me and B were making up a parody for "Don't Drop That Dun Dun Dun." So then it came out like this:

Don't drop that chicken (what!), don't drop that chicken!
Don't drop that chicken (what!), don't drop that chicken!
C to the H to the I to the C to the K to the E to the N!

And that's all we have so far.

After school, I had drama practice and there was 2 people playing a boyfriend and girlfriend and this is the script (I think) for them:

Gf: Oh Tommy, isn't this so romantic?
Bf: Yes it is.
*Some random talk for a few lines*
Gf: When you come back to Canada, we will get married and have a dozen children!

I forgot all the war stuff that was between it but yeah. But I was just like "o.o XDDDD Well, well, well, some couple will be on in a few years and have some CHILDREN." I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but T is in the Remembrance Day Assembly as well!
Then when we were practicing on stage, some guy beside T was TWERKING IN MY F-IN FACE. I looked away but I think T was about to imitate him. O.o No. Just no. Don't make me regret liking you.


.///. If I had the courage to talk to T from way before and I wanted to confess, I would probably say stuff like Rin said in this video. But not in Japanese. xD Or maybe I will. lol


EDIT: Added another paragraph which explains my title.
