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Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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My Other Worlds
Quote Crescent
Meme Tower
AN-IMEzing World!

Last updated: Jan.3/15

Worried... BP #36


So today after school, me, S, and G were hanging out by the side of the school. There are these huge steps, not your average steps, that lead down into the bottom end of the parking lot and a few feet away from the dumpster.

OMG I used a modifier without noticing!! Tea-chan, we're concentrating too hard on actually using a modifier; that's why we couldn't think of one. And look, I just noticed that I used a semicolon too! *Face palm*

Don't mind the last paragraph people, it's just random language stuff.

Anyway, G noticed that there was a raccoon in the dumpster! So we randomly took cans that were around the dumpster and went to the top of the stairs and threw it in the dumpster, don't worry, we threw it at the insides of the dumpster, not at the raccoon, to see if the raccoon was dead or alive.

It was alive, because it flinched at the sound and started staring at the cans.

When teachers were passing by, we told them that there was a raccoon in the dumpster and one of the teachers said that since it looks like it won't be able to get out because the walls of the dumpster were high and there is nothing it could use to jump on and escape, we should go to the office and report it to our vice-principal because if it dies, it's going to rot and stink up the place.

We also asked if it was going to be able to come out alive and for the people not to kill it. It's going to come out alive with a control's support.

Well, we went to the office to report it but the vice-principal wasn't there. The other office people said to go tell the caretaker.

We went to the caretaker and told him and you know what he said? "Just leave it alone, it's going to come out. Don't worry about it, the raccoon is going to come out eventually" and some more stuff that made me want to punch him in the nuts and beat the living crap outta him.
Like, the poor animal could have been pregnant because its belly looked big. And it hurts me that an animal was sitting there all alone, helpless, and with no way out. </3 I even gave my leftover lunch to it and it didn't budge since it was probably too scared. :(

Even though raccoons can be dangerous when scared and could have rabies, I still feel sorry for it. So me, G, and S decided that we're going to check the dumpster tomorrow morning and see if it's still there. I want to let it be free of the stinky jail cell.

I'm going to continue what else happened at school in another post since I want to focus this post with my title.

