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Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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AN-IMEzing World!

Last updated: Jan.3/15

Where's Waldo...??? BP #26


School today was ok. I met Ms.M and she's not bad. For now anyway. Ms.P has a little bit of a sense of humor and she always says "Hallelujah!" whenever our class finally understands something. XD

T today... omg LOL
He looked almost EXACTLY like Waldo. You know that book that you have to find either this guy named Waldo or find his items in pictures? Yeah, that. He was wearing red shoes, red shorts, red and white striped t-shirt, and a red cap.

Hey at least "Waldo" found his hat. XDDD You can either say he looked like Waldo, or a weird looking candy cane. And he either dressed up for Canada Day late, or went into the Halloween spirit a month too early. I don't want to sound mean, I just think it's really funny. xD

Also, at lunch, the cafeteria was really crowded and I usually look for T before I sit down and I couldn't find him so I reluctantly sat down. But then S (my friend, remember?) was like "T is Waldo, that's why you can't find him!" and then she said in a weird, deep voice "So where's Waldo?" XDDDDD Too funny, I wanted to tell T "Hi Waldo" but as chicken as I am, I couldn't. And at the end of the day, R said she told him that he's Waldo and he laughed and said "Haha, Waldo xD"

My goal is to talk to T in conversation once in a while. I have to work on not to be chicken anymore. I have missed many opportunities because of it and I don't want to be one anymore.

Wish me luck!

