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Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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My Other Worlds
Quote Crescent
Meme Tower
AN-IMEzing World!

Last updated: Jan.3/15

Winter Break Part 2 BP #59


I'm going to continue what happened on the winter break. I also forgot to mention that I made it to the musical! Thank you for the positivity you gave me for my audition! Even though I'm just a Sea Creature, I'm happy. ^^

Dec 26 =
Boxing Day! I wanted to go Boxing Day shopping so bad but I couldn't go. Just went to M.H's house in the evening. Meh, that's good too.

Dec 31 =
New Year's Eve! Today I got new sofas! All morning, I was busy unwrapping the packaging off the sofas and then I went bowling with M.H and our families. It was fun. When I came home, I watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. After, I watched the NYC's countdown to the New Year on tv since I couldn't find Toronto's countdown for some reason.

Jan 1 =
Happy New Year!! I can't believe is freaking 2014! Like what. The. F. Anyway, what are your New Year resolutions? Tell me in the comments! On New Year, me, my parents, and my aunt went to a shopping place called the Eaton Centre so me and my parents bought things for my aunt. My aunt was visiting Canada while she has vacation from university. So it was pretty much a day out for her. And I tasted frozen yogurt for the first time! Omg, my first thought when I tasted it: "I think I'm in love." Like HOLY CRAP THIS IS THE MOST HRALALALALA THING EVER OMG ♥♥♥. Then we went to the Royal Ontario Museum and after that, went to a restaurant.

Jan 5 =
There has been a lot of close calls for my family. Family issues too. The family issues were spread out throughout the winter break but it's personal to say.
But it's better if I say all the bad things that happened on this day because something happened on this day anyway. So my grandma had hernia for the past couple of weeks. She's really weak. When I went to her in her room (she lives with me), she didn't recognise me. Twice. My mom had to tell her who I was after and then she remembered. But that hurt. A lot. She sees me every day and she still didn't know who I was. :'( After a while, she started throwing up so we took her to a hospital. It turns out that she needed an operation but it was risky. She had the operation and thank God everything went alright. The nurse said that if she didn't have that operation, she would have died in 24 hours; 1 week max. But after the operation, she didn't wake up on this day.
My uncle started having chest pains and after a while, he started having a lot of chest pains and he decided to go to the hospital. The doctors found that he had 2 clots in his arteries. One of them was 90%. That scared me so much. But they did this little operation thing and everything's ok now. But now he can't eat red meat and stuff like that or else it would be bad for him. He really liked to eat it too. It's sad. :(

Jan 6 =
School has started! Ugh. It's getting really, really cold here and the wind chill is making it worse!

Jan 7 =
And that's today! I didn't go to school today because I wasn't feeling that well. Turns out that some other people didn't go to school either because of the wind chill and how extremely cold it is. In the afternoon, my grandpa got news that my grandma wasn't feeling well! According to him, in the morning, she was doing really well but now idk what happened! Let the worrying start again...


Winter Break Part 1 BP #58


Sorry, I haven't posted in like a month. OTL

How's your winter break going for you guys? Mine is ok I guess. Remember how Black Friday was last month? Well, during that time, I FINALLY GOT A PHONE.


Even though it's a Samsung Galaxy Discover, and the camera quality sucks, I'm happy. ^^

Also, for the last week of school; Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, it was themed. So on Monday it was Pajama Day, Tuesday it was Twin Day, and on Wednesday it was Wacky Day.
On Sunday, M.V reminded me on G+ that it was Pajama Day the following day. I don't really wear pajamas, I wear house clothes, but I know I had pajamas somewhere in my house so I went scavenger hunting. lol

But when I found them, that's when I realized...

I had Sailor Moon pajamas!! O_O

lol I wore the top part to school anyway.

Also, that day, we had to test out this project that we had. You're supposed to make a model car, put an egg in it, and put it down a ramp to see if the egg breaks. You can have a partner or you can work alone. My partner was B. I was the one who was putting it down the ramp. First the ramp was 10 degrees, then it was 40, then it was 60, then it was 80! I was hyperventilating so much xD. But everyone who tested their car had their egg without cracks and didn't break. So Ms.S (it was a Tech project) said "Ok, now we're going to throw the cars off the stairs! It won't count for marks, but if your car makes it to the bottom without getting your egg broken, then you get extra marks!"

Did I mention that we were using RAW eggs?

Our school has 3 floors. Say that you're in a stairwell that has 4 floors. If you stand next to the railing and look down the little gap, you'll be able to see all the way to the bottom, or as far you can see, right? So one partner has to go to the third floor and drop the car through the gap while the other partner has to go to the bottom floor and watch their car get dropped. I was the last one to drop a car. And guess what? Our egg didn't break!!! Me and B were celebrating beside all the eggs that were smushed on the floor. lol 3-4 other cars made it too.

Monday done, now Tuesday.
I was supposed to be twins with G but then she ended up twining with someone else. =3=

Wednesday =
For Wacky Day, I wore my sweater backwards so the hood is in the front and the pockets are in the back. I also tied my hair in ponytail but I tied it at the very top of my head so it looks like there's a waterfall coming out of my head. T put gel in his hair but it looked kinda messed up. I was talking with M.V and she said that he looked hot. I felt kinda weird cuz she has a boyfriend but whatever.

Thursday =
The day of the Christmas Dance! Tried to go dance in a group with T but HE KEEPS WALKING EVERYWHERE. I ended up dancing in a group with A for I don't know how long. Blah.

Friday = School's out! And while I was doing derp, my dad came behind me and cut my hair!!! I think he cut like 3 inches. DX

From Sunday (Dec 22) to Tuesday (Dec 24) my power went out. Turns out that all of Scarborough (it's an area in Toronto if you don't know what that is) had a power outage. We had an ice storm and this is what happened to all the plants and trees:

External Image

But if take a close look at the branches...:

External Image


Right at this moment, majority of the people in Scarborough have power now. There are a few left without power still.

Wednesday (Dec 25) =

Christmas! Even though I don't celebrate Christmas, it's still nice to look at all the festivity. ^^

I'll write more of what happened in the Winter Break in my next post because I have to go now. Bye!

