
Today was absolutely insane. I went by car to school today and when I stepped out of the car, all I see is girls running around screaming. I was really confused and I walked toward my friends... then I started screaming too. lol

There were bees and wasps EVERYWHERE. I'm not even exaggerating. Like legit, all the f-in bees were stalking everyone. So the whole time I was outside, I was being hunted down by a whole hive.

It was really scary. ;_;

Also, last night I was on the laptop and my window was open. Then I heard these really loud sounds from outside. I thought it was a firework but then I realized it sounded kinda off and not quite like it. And the sound happened again and again, multiple times. It echoed. Very loudly. Like a gunshot.

My eyes widened and I went to the window and looked around. The sounds stopped. But then I saw an ambulance and a firetruck coming near. So I think it really was a gun shot. *Is scared*

AND... IT WAS SO F-IN HOT TODAY I WAS DYING OF BOILINGNESS!!!! And my stupidity actually got me to bring a sweater to school. Yes, I'm so smart.

So that's basically what happened today. Nothing else really. :T

