good catch with the loki. i would never have thought of myself as so mischievous. and on the inuyasha subject... i idolized seshomeru, and yes i misspelled it
Exactly! Kagome is amazing even though my boyfriend when he was 6 had a huge crush on her. -w-; I laughed and giggled at him saying it was okay I had a thing for Inuyasha. Which I still do. xDDD But I do not rock at nicknames. Its sort of like I dont rock at cooking. I fail at cooking. DX
1. Tell you something I learned about by looking at your portfolio for 15 seconds. : Silver is either your favorite color or the only thing you want to write about x3
2. Tell you a color you remind me of.: Silver or a light green 0-0
3. Tell you my first memory of you.: You always helping me ^w^
4. Tell you what manga, Video game, or cartoon character you remind me of.: Loki - Mythical Dectective Loki Ragnrok. Or whatever xD
5. Ask you a question, and you must answer.: Hows your life?
6. Tell you something I like about you.: How Wise you are ^w^;
7. Give you a nickname.: Axy!
8. Tell you my true first or middle name is.: Amber Renea
9. tell you a secret or random fact about myself: I fall in love with bad guys too often and its not good. Merf. P:
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
@Blood Moon Wolf:
well i have before, therefore i will again.
Blood Moon Wolf
Bloody (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/19/11 | Reply
Well lets see.. You said you pranked your nephew? I believe so therefore hehe! Loki it was, Loki is mischevious but wise. And I dont know -w-
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
@Blood Moon Wolf:
good catch with the loki. i would never have thought of myself as so mischievous. and on the inuyasha subject... i idolized seshomeru, and yes i misspelled it
Blood Moon Wolf
Bloody (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
@Bluemoon Halo:
XDD I when I was like 6 had a think for Shippo, And I do really have a thing for Koga too xD More for Inuyasha I think,, XD
Bluemoon Halo
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
@Blood Moon Wolf:
I more had a thing for Koga >///< (I still do XD!~). And I'm pretty good at cooking I just take forever =w=;.
Blood Moon Wolf
Bloody (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
@Bluemoon Halo:
Exactly! Kagome is amazing even though my boyfriend when he was 6 had a huge crush on her. -w-; I laughed and giggled at him saying it was okay I had a thing for Inuyasha. Which I still do. xDDD But I do not rock at nicknames. Its sort of like I dont rock at cooking. I fail at cooking. DX
Bluemoon Halo
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
@Blood Moon Wolf:
You rock at nicknames way more then me XD! And yes cute things rock >3<! And my personalitly is like Kagome's XD!
Blood Moon Wolf
Bloody (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
@Bluemoon Halo:
1. Tell you something I learned about by looking at your portfolio for 15 seconds. : You like drawing Cute things!
2. Tell you a color you remind me of.: A bubbly bright blue or Pink
3. Tell you my first memory of you.: All the times you comment when Im feeling down ^w^;
4. Tell you what manga, Video game, or cartoon character you remind me of.: Kagome - Inuyasha X333
5. Ask you a question, and you must answer.: Cute things are good right? xD
6. Tell you something I like about you.: How cute your drawings are and the fact you help me out quite a bit
7. Give you a nickname.: Moonie.
8. Tell you my true first or middle name is.: Amber Renea. =333
9. tell you a secret or random fact about myself: I'm a cuddly teddy bear despite how I look. 0-0
Bluemoon Halo
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
*raises hand* I want to play =D!
Blood Moon Wolf
Bloody (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/18/11 | Reply
1. Tell you something I learned about by looking at your portfolio for 15 seconds. : Silver is either your favorite color or the only thing you want to write about x3
2. Tell you a color you remind me of.: Silver or a light green 0-0
3. Tell you my first memory of you.: You always helping me ^w^
4. Tell you what manga, Video game, or cartoon character you remind me of.: Loki - Mythical Dectective Loki Ragnrok. Or whatever xD
5. Ask you a question, and you must answer.: Hows your life?
6. Tell you something I like about you.: How Wise you are ^w^;
7. Give you a nickname.: Axy!
8. Tell you my true first or middle name is.: Amber Renea
9. tell you a secret or random fact about myself: I fall in love with bad guys too often and its not good. Merf. P:
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/17/11 | Reply
This should be good. lets see you do me.