Hi! I'm Bloody or Wolfie.
I live in the Buckeye State... OHIO
My birthday is August 6th.. 1996.
I've been on TheO for years now.
I enjoy FX Makeups and Photography. <3

I can always talk about more >w>

I also love love love corgi dogs... I have OCD.. Obsessive Corgi Disorder. My facebook and phone are filled with pictures of Corgis yet I do not own one.. So I love on others corgis.. lol

Feel free to add any of my accounts or ask anything, I don't bite too hard :DDD

Get Up Close && Personal Shall we?
GaiaOnline: Adaliaxia
Youtube: Adaliaxia
Facebook: Amber Renea
Polyvore: Amber Renea
Skype: AllyUnderland
Kik: KawaiiAmby
Number: Ask for it. c:

Any other sites you want me on? Tell me X3

Sadness Symphony

Sadness in a symphony of hate yet so beautiful as a musical note just that simple and clean.Not the same as I used to be I am swimming in the sea of musical notes in a symphony of hate.Ocean lights ocean music flowing by when I swim in this sea.Symphony of love and Hate which are we?Symphony of Hate Symphony of love.Sadness comes from the heart from musical notes in our symphony of love.I missed you through this pain through the darkness.I soung a symphony to your name I never thought this would be the day my Symphony was famous.I soung this song for you I just hoped you'd love it just as I Love you.Sadness in a symphony of our love.Symphony together Symphony never was so good to me.Symphony to be a famous person never gonna be the same.Gonna change the world with all my songs.This is The Symphony of sadness withen Music notes!

Symphony of Sadness

(C)Blood Moon Wolf

(C)Amber Renea D.
