Title: Me Before You
Author: Jojo Moyes
Page Count: 369
I started reading this book before the hype a couple years ago. A friend of mine who is a therapist suggested it to me, insisting it was very well written and that it opens a perspective one would not generally explore or understand.
Me Before You tells the story of a young woman hired by an older couple to take care of their son Will. Will is a young man disabled after an accident and bound to a wheelchair. Louisa learns over time that she wasn’t hired to care for him but to keep him company. She spends her days conversing with and entertaining him until she learns something rather dark about his intentions and outlook for the future.
Me Before You was really an amazing novel. It provides a greater depth of understanding about the struggles of people with disabilities and an understanding of their choices and outlooks. It’s also got the subtle and beautiful romance and some damn funny lines. There’s a little bit of everything in this book.
“You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.”

This book has, however, been met with a great deal of controversy, many referring to it as “euthanasia porn” because of the underlying tone of the book and the struggle between Will and his family. Several online communities look down on the book for its blatant references to euthanasia and allege lack of respect for life.
Despite your stance, I would encourage you to read it and to attempt to understand the pain and suffering and damage Will feels of his own life. And try to understand the role and choices of both the abled and disabled in this book. However, I ask that you do not immediately condemn the book or its perspective.
Come to it with an open mind, or do not pick it up at all.
(Trigger Warning: Mentions of euthanasia, rape, suicide. Not explicit or graphic but they are still there.)
Bonus: There is a movie of this book. As always, many things are lost in the movie but overall, it was an amazing movie with beautiful depictions and great acting; starring Emilia Clarke (GoT Daenerys), Sam Claflin (Hunger Games' Finnick), Matthew Lewis (HP's Neville), Charles Dance (GoT Tywin Lannister), Jenna Coleman (Doctor Who companion Clara) and sooooo many more.
As always feel free to comment if you've read it, seen it, have any questions, or just want to discuss!