Welcome to Bootleg News Reporter
A world dedicated to anime, manga, and Japanese news found on the web, so you don't have to go to more than one site.

Since the news being presented here is from other sites, they are not my original work and all credit goes to the original author. I'm really bootleging information, thus this world's title.

We are affiliated with the The Watercooler http://theotaku.com/worlds/watercooler/

Well, hope these posts are useful and if you want to be a guest poster, please pm me.

Ok, I finally made a background^^ but I'm still tinkering with the header banner though. If you have ideas about the Bootleg's design, please let me know.

Bootleg Reporters
* 2short
* Ryosuke Forever
* timechaser
* Nehszriah
* Shishou
* fallenangel8
* red tigress
* piratesinpink

Raiders of the Last Bootleg of Doom

Well as we all know the new Indiana Jones just came out today and with a release of a new movie to the saga, comes Indy merchandise. From an article I saw in Wizard’s Toy Fare magazine from about a month ago or so, came a few pages taking about the newest and quirkiest Indiana Jones’ goodies.

Here are some vinyl chibi statues from the famed Kotobukiya models and figurine company in Japan. A sample of some of their most well know work are the figurines from the Final Fantasy series, and Kingdom Hearts Series, along with many other famous animes, games, and comic book characters.

The figurines shown here are: Indy (Of course!), Indy’s father, Henry Jones Sr., Marion (Raiders of the Lost Ark), and Mola Ram (Temple of Doom, why they picked to make him instead of Short Round or any other character is beyond me.). These figures are sadly exclusive to Japan.

Kotobukiya got some of the rights to the Indiana toy series in 2008 and got the Urban Vinyl artists, Panson Works Group to make some of the models.

I believe the artist of theses statues is Yupon (I don’t have the first or last name, since I forgot to write it down when I first took the picture from the article.)

This information is from Toy Fare Magazine, issue (either March or April) of this year. The rest of info of the rest of the artist name etc. was lost and stored away in a big warehouse of identical crates, under the lock and key of the government. (actually I forgot to write it down) .
