Welcome to Bootleg News Reporter
A world dedicated to anime, manga, and Japanese news found on the web, so you don't have to go to more than one site.

Since the news being presented here is from other sites, they are not my original work and all credit goes to the original author. I'm really bootleging information, thus this world's title.

We are affiliated with the The Watercooler http://theotaku.com/worlds/watercooler/

Well, hope these posts are useful and if you want to be a guest poster, please pm me.

Ok, I finally made a background^^ but I'm still tinkering with the header banner though. If you have ideas about the Bootleg's design, please let me know.

Bootleg Reporters
* 2short
* Ryosuke Forever
* timechaser
* Nehszriah
* Shishou
* fallenangel8
* red tigress
* piratesinpink

Restaurant owner convicted for serving alcohol to driver who caused fatal crash

“A court has convicted a restaurant owner for serving alcohol to a car driver who later caused a fatal accident with two cars.
The Saitama District Court on Thursday sentenced Hiroaki Okubo, 45, the operator of a restaurant from Kumagaya, Saitama Prefecture, to two years in prison, suspended for five years, for violating the Road Traffic Law.
"The defendant served liquor for the sake of sales at his restaurant. The act is self-indulgent," Presiding Judge Yoshifumi Otani said in handing down the ruling.
According to the ruling, Okubo served about eight glasses of "shochu" liquor to a regular customer, Kiyoshi Tamagawa, 32, during approximately a five-hour period from around 1:30 p.m. on Feb. 17.
An hour later, Tamagawa caused a head-on collision with another car after hitting yet another vehicle while he was driving on a road in Kumagaya, leaving two people dead and seven injured. Tamagawa has been indicted on charges of dangerous driving resulting in death and injury.”

What is your opinion on this matter? Should a restaurant owner have responsibility in a drunk drivers accident?

http://mdn.mainichi.jp/national/news/20080606p2a00m0na003000c.html it is also on http://www.tokyomango.com/tokyo_mango/2008/06/in-japan-a-lot.html

More 2 Boot

Hello and welcome to the second Bootleg report!

First before I start, I would like to thank 2short, Ryosuke Forever, and Nehszriah for all of their informative and dedicated work. Really, all of your work has turned out wonderful and truly makes this world! When I first made this world I would have never had thought it would turn out this great! Thank you!

Feature News

Akihabanana News site

The new bilingual otaku culture media site “Akibanana.com” was launched by G.I. Jane Inc. in February. The site provides news updates, information, maps, blogs, and forums about Akihabara, to provide what the alley ways of Akihabara is really like.
I originally heard of this site from this article on http://www.kilian-nakamura.com/blog-english/index.php/akibanana-launched-for-growing-global-otaku/and was intrigued, so I went to check out the site.
The site is still in its beta stage and very young, but the site is fantastic! It is very informative, with the articles giving a lot of detail. It once again makes you wish you had the opportunity to visit Japan.

It made me foam at the mouth when I read about the preview of the second season of xxxHolic (which is called xxxHolic: Connections which premieres in Japan this April Hazzah :D) with Clamp being there for the preview. Here’s the link to the small article http://akibanana.com/?q=node/175
Akihabanana is a definite must see site!


Otaku Pilgrimages to Lucky Star Shrine Draw Criticism

This is old news about otakus making a pilgrimage to the oldest Shinto shrine in eastern Japan, Washinomiya Jinja, but they aren’t visiting it for the shrine historical notoriety. They are visiting it because it was featured in the anime “Lucky Star”. Hordes of otakus are flocking to the shrine, but the locals aren’t happy about it. Interviews of the locals, state that they do not like the “strange men” coming to town and “scaring the children”. The article is greatly detailed, from going over a brief history of the shrine, the anime Lucky Star, and detail accounts of the testimonies of the locals. I greatly recommend that you read the article.


Random Fun News

Elementary School Breaks Guinness Record with a 118-Person Walk

“An elementary school in Shinjuku ward hosted a Guinness World Record-breaking 118-legged on march 8th.” The picture on the site, shows 117 people tied together around the ankles as they are about to start the race. The 118 person walk was consisted of students, teacher and parents celebrating the centennial of Ushigome-Nakano Elementary School. “The previous record was set by a group of consultants in the UK last September, which included 77 people.”


Menu's now can now have pop-up 3D feature

“TEC Japan has created the Tobidasu Menu (pop-up menu) to embed into restaurant tables. Customers can browse the digital menu by touch and then view individual items in 3D.”
This is really an article you have to see for yourself. Not so much for the written content, but for the pictures. Which I found to be confusing at first, till I realized it was just an odd camera angle. What caught my attention, was the “novelty function of placing a hamburger bun on the menu and removing it to reveal a delicious beef patty with all the trimmings.”. I thought that to be spiffy :D.


Fashion Week in Japan

For those who love fashion, here is an article about fashion week in Japan. Once again there are pictures accompanying the article. One of the articles of clothing that caught my eye was the hat that looked like a sea urchin was attacking the models heads.


Wasabi is being made into a smoke alarm for the deaf

Prototypes of the smoke alarm that release wasabi into the air to alert deaf people of a fire.


Sorry that I have not figured out what to do with this world's design. I'll have more time to, next week after finals.
Once again thank you reporters for all of your news and thank you (the viewer) for stopping by and reading our bootleg news.
