The Gluttony Fang (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/30/09 | Reply
I've seen hairier guy-on-guy picks on this site (Check out my art favorites and see for yourself~ *Giggles*) and your pic is only guy-with-guy. It was probably taken down without much thought, I'm sure they will put it back up if you ask them. And if not, it's their loss.
exactly! they didn't even have nipples and i've seen so much nudity! i'm thinking theo is just homophobic or something now cause it was two male characters. if it were two girls would it have been deleted? massive fail theo.
Mr Sword
The Gluttony Fang (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/30/09 | Reply
I've seen hairier guy-on-guy picks on this site (Check out my art favorites and see for yourself~ *Giggles*) and your pic is only guy-with-guy. It was probably taken down without much thought, I'm sure they will put it back up if you ask them. And if not, it's their loss.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/30/09 | Reply
exactly! they didn't even have nipples and i've seen so much nudity! i'm thinking theo is just homophobic or something now cause it was two male characters. if it were two girls would it have been deleted? massive fail theo.