this show contains graphic depictions of actual crime scenes. veiwer discretion is advised.

good things come from closets

i found my ds, after months of having no clue as to where it had disappeared to.
it was in my closet, in a bag that had seemingly been meant to go back to school with me, but had instead been thrown into the closet. i was digging for some flip-flops and i found it. i was happy, to say the least.

anyway, i tried drawing more last night, but it didn't go over so well. if i don't go out tonight, i'll try again. and upload it, as soon as i can, since once i'm back in eau claire, i won't be able to scan in any more art. i haven't found the scanners in the library yet, and i don't have a whole lot of time to be looking for them either. so i'll just draw my little heart out and scan like a mofo whenever i come home, yeah?

but that's that.

