Welcome, welcome.
I can't imagine L being seme... o n o

Welcome to BoyxBoy. :/

welcome to b o y x b o y!
I, my friend, am a PROUD closet yaoi reader/watcher/writer. Wait-that makes no sense. If I was a proud yaoi addict, then…I wouldn’t be saying I was a closet yaoi fan, would I? I’m confused now. -((sits in box.))-

Anways, I wanted to create my own little yaoi world. Y’know, to discuss yaoi (der der der.) and to post my story I’m writing using my OC’s. I could make a yaoi roleplay guild (yes, I do that too, but mostly on Gaia Online.) but I’m too lazy and I doubt anyone would be interested. :/

Get to know me. I’m nice, I don’t bite, I...um...err...well, I’m not that interesting. o n o;;;

I tend to overuse ":/", ":c/c:", "> n <", and "o u o/o n o." (lolrandomfactmuch? c : )

I should post my OC profiles or something. :/

Well then, I guess I bored you to death with this, so, message me or something. c:
