My name is Brett and this is my blog.
Im a redneck in the 11th grade.
LIkes:country music, trucks, weapons, classic rock, wolves, girls, nature, werewolves, anime, and yo mama.
Dislikes: perverted people, people who are prejudice against autsitic people, cigarettes, people who hate and damage nature, snobs.
nicknames: redneck, toby keith, bear, mutt(watch it).
BDAY: 8/12
favorite anime: Naruto
favorite food: chiken with rootbeer.
clubs I belong in: Teh Biju Clubs(DeidaraNarutoClan) poke gijinka revolution
(otomi babii) joint story(EoAA) the pack (Eiri Yuki s Lover)


Dutch and demon hunting/part 3

I looked around and a dark figure was up in the tree above me. I scrambled to get away from it. It walked toward me. The full moon came out from behind the clowds and i saw it was a women in a black and orange jacket, back red and black pants with jains all over, and black boots. Her hair was black, she was wearing white makeup, black lipstick and a spiked dog collar. I turned into a wolf as she walked toward me. I was so tired from my wounds heeling i fell to the ground. She reached out and rubbed the side of my head. She started telling me i wasnt a bad person. That i was only misunder stood and nothing that happend was my fault. I began weeping for my parents. She laid my head in her lap and began petting me. i slowly cried myself to sleep. The next morning I found her cooking a racoon over a fire. I was in human form. I walked over to her with caution. offerd me a peace of coon meat on a flat peace of stone. I began to eat it when she started to tell me about herself. Her name was Kaori she was in the area when the birds attacked. She saw everything i did. she said it was no bodys fault. I shouted, WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WAS THOSE DEMONS THEY ATTACKED A HELPLESS TOWN FOR NO REASON! ITS BECUASE OF DEMONS MY PARENTS ARE DEAD!! "you want revenge against demons? she asked. I looked down at the stone i was holding and said, yes i will get back at demons for killing my parents. I looked up and she was reaching her hand out to me with a smile. I grabbed it and she helped me up. She told me to follow her. As we walked down the mountain she told me she was going to be my trainer in demon hunten.

Dutch and demom hunting/part 2

I knew of a gun shop a block away. I ran for it. I started to here gun fire. People were shooting back. I turned the corner and saw the gun store. Guys were out front with shotguns, rifles, and pistols. some of them had a couple assualt rifles. Every time a bird would come over they would all shoot at that one. When one came over they knocked it down and it hit a water tower. I felt a rush of ower i couldnt explane at that time. I grabbed an M-16 and about 200 rounds of ammo. I climbed to the roof of a 3 storie biulding and started shooting back. One was coming at me about to snatch me up. I emptied my gun into. I could see red fall from him as he go closer. He flew over me and plowed into a building. We were starting to win the fight. After i ran out of ammo a another bird came for me. Instint took over. I made my first transformation into an eagle. I flew past the bird. I turned and chased it. When i got close anuff I turned into my human form and landed on its back. I pulled out my nine inch knife and stabbed it in the neck. I stream of blood sprayed out. It began to fall from the sky. I turned back into and eagle and looked for another bird. One flew past me almost knocking me from the sky. I chassed it for a short distance before i turned human and landed on its back. I dropped my knife and had to emprovise. I turned into a knife and reached around its neck. I sank my claws into its neck. I begad thrashing and flying out of control. We ended up hitting a building. i landed on top of a car mashinf the top in. The bird landed int the middle of the road. A guy tossed me an AK-47 with a bayonet on it. I came close to the bird. I could see it was still alive. It looked at me and i shoved the bayonet into it. I hollard and emptied my AK into. I pulled the bayonet out and clubed it with the but of the gun. We had killed all the attackin birds but they had taken out alot of us as well. I dropped the gun and began balling. Every started looking for servivers and helping the injured. I started going thru rubble of a callapsed building. I found a little girl cuddling a doll in the rubble. SHE ASKED FOR HER MOM then she asked why did she run? why didnt she help me? A second later she passed away. Just then a women came up behind me. She asked were her daughter was. I pointed at the little girls bodie and she began sobbing. I asked her were she was and she said when the birds came over she ran out of the building. " HOW COULD YOU ABANDEN YOUR DAUGHTER LIKE THAT?" i shouted. I walked out and left her. I didnt have time. I was confronted by a couple guys with guns drawn. " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" One of them walked over and clubbed me in the head with his shotgun. Your one of them, he said. I helt the place were he hit me and told him no i was nothing like them. He started shouting this was my fault. HE kocked his gun and i got up and ran. I got twenty feet before 20 bullets from pistols and rifles and shot from a shotgun ripped threw me. I buckled and fell to the growned. I woke Up in a dumpster. I climbed out and fell to the ground. I felt my wounds. THey were healed. I Begand to think i was one. A demon. I started having flash backs of my parents dead in that building that was ounce a diner were people were mad happy by my mom. I got up walked to the moutians around the town. I got to the top of one. The top was covered with red dirt. The only tree for 20 feet in every direcection was the one in the center of the round dirt mound. I walked to the and laid down. The cold mountain air made me shiver. I still didnt know how to turn into an animal with out my instincs. A voice said to me, You want to get revenge on the demons dont you?
