
ok...i was at tashia's...sadly i was too scared to kiss her im too scared she's loyal to jazz...and jazz was waiting for me to leave she was staring at me with beady eyes...im scared right now...scared about tashia...tht i wont save her...one thing tht makes me depressed is tht well...i've wanted to be loved since i was 13..im 17 now..it feels like all hope is lost...i havent felt love in so long tashia used to hug me....hell she kissed me for crying out loud tht tells what she trully thinks of jazz!...truthfully i'd rather be in never mind...my heart hurts so much...i feel like crying even as im typing this...i havent had a hug from her in a long time or with anybody as a matter of fact...im terrified tht i'll loose her...and well it seems like all the people i fell in love with truely the deepest of my heart are always used...and every time i try i fail...it always leave a scar in me....SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!
