We should totally cohost! idk about you but I've never cohosted one of these things before. Maybe we could make an announcement on tumblr and deviantart and discord n stuff so we can let people know it's happening. Actually, we should probably set up a discord for this if we're gonna do it
you'll be amazing if do it! Go Go Lena! ahaha! no but for real, I would love to see this site community live again, and secret santa it's the pinnacle of activity, but this year I can't... i just can't, too busy with life! I'll be here in the shadows to see what will happen!
I was planning on this being my first year not participating in theO secret santa since like 2010, BUT... If enough people join I'll participate too.... *_*
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/09/18 | Reply
If someone sets it up I'm 100% down
Otakuite | Posted 12/06/18 | Reply
@Groovy Boar:
totally understand! everyone gets so busy at the end of the year haha
Otakuite | Posted 12/06/18 | Reply
We should totally cohost! idk about you but I've never cohosted one of these things before. Maybe we could make an announcement on tumblr and deviantart and discord n stuff so we can let people know it's happening. Actually, we should probably set up a discord for this if we're gonna do it
Otakuite | Posted 12/06/18 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Yeah! It's such a nice tradition, it'd be a shame to let it die this year
Otakuite | Posted 12/06/18 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
I just wanted a fresh start I guess. Also I had like 40 unread pms in my inbox lol
Groovy Boar
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/06/18 | Reply
you'll be amazing if do it! Go Go Lena!
ahaha! no but for real, I would love to see this site community live again, and secret santa it's the pinnacle of activity, but this year I can't... i just can't, too busy with life!
I'll be here in the shadows to see what will happen!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/05/18 | Reply
ugh wish I could tag moonlitdream but this is fine lol whatever
I made a post about hosting one, so fIGHT ME (kidding lol but if you wanted to help we could cohost or smthn)
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/18 | Reply
I was planning on this being my first year not participating in theO secret santa since like 2010, BUT... If enough people join I'll participate too.... *_*
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/18 | Reply
I made a post about it some time ago, and most people could not make the commitment. But I'm down.
By the way, why did you make a new account?
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!