He's so cute! He's so fluffy! He's Giol!

Yeah, that's his name. And he's a rabbit. Some sort of miniflop... I think. I got him from the humane society so his heritage is rather vague. I know he's a little over a year old, that he's very sincerely male, and licks himself in places probably best not mentioned.

He also doesn't photograph very well. Hey, you try taking a picture of something that moves that fast.

I love my little friend! *cuddles*

A partial sollution

I have got to get my own camera.

My bunny has been very lazy lately and I'm been worried about him. Especially since the few times when he isn't lazy he tries to make out with my ankle.

Well, the pet store I visit suggested that I might consider getting him a friend to play with.

Another rabbit?! I'd be nuts to consider that! I barely have enough room for one rabbit!

Come to think of it, there isn't much for a rabbit to do in my apartment. I started thinking it over especially hard yesterday. He can't read or play on the computer (duh) and watching TV would only be frustrating because he wouldn't understand what's going on. He must be terribly bored.

So what could I do to make him less bored?

I must give some credit to The Secret Garden for the idea I had. The book reminds me of the more pleasant parts of my childhood and thus the idea that came to me.

I'd build him a fort. I got a bunch of boxes from the grocery store (free! Yay!) and bought duct tape and wooden spoons at the hardware store (sale! Yay!). I already had a scissors for cutting doors and such.

Giol was very interested in what I was doing. He alternated between standing at the door of his cage (sometimes nibbling to say "let me out") and sitting in the back acting like he didn't see me.

Finally, when I let him out, he sniffed the box fort. Then he hopped to a corner and looked back. Then he hopped back and sniffed another part. Then hopped away again. This repeated for a while.

Maybe it was the lingering smell of fruit on the boxes, maybe it was the food pellets I put on the second level, maybe it was just that it was new. In any case, he was definitely interested, he just didn't know what to *do* with it.

He finally hopped inside, then came right back out. Repeat, several times.

Finally he realized he could go into the next box. And the next box after that. And that he could get to the second level. It was so funny watching him in one of the second level boxes. It doesn't have a roof, so he'd stand up with his forepaws over the edge of the wall sniffing at the outside as if wondering if he should try jumping from there. He hasn't yet, but he has found some creative ways of getting into the fort that I hadn't considered.

He's a lot less lazy now, so problem solved. Though he has been licking my feet an awful lot. (Someone wants a little bunny date?)
