He's so cute! He's so fluffy! He's Giol!

Yeah, that's his name. And he's a rabbit. Some sort of miniflop... I think. I got him from the humane society so his heritage is rather vague. I know he's a little over a year old, that he's very sincerely male, and licks himself in places probably best not mentioned.

He also doesn't photograph very well. Hey, you try taking a picture of something that moves that fast.

I love my little friend! *cuddles*

Distructo Bunny

I give him a wooden block to chew on and he doesn't want anything to do with it.

I give him a cardboard house to play in and he becomes el destructo.

Seriously, how do I get him to chew on what he's supposed to chew on? He's even started jumping onto the table and causing problems. (I try to keep him from getting up there and he still manages it. He's very resourceful.)
