He's so cute! He's so fluffy! He's Giol!

Yeah, that's his name. And he's a rabbit. Some sort of miniflop... I think. I got him from the humane society so his heritage is rather vague. I know he's a little over a year old, that he's very sincerely male, and licks himself in places probably best not mentioned.

He also doesn't photograph very well. Hey, you try taking a picture of something that moves that fast.

I love my little friend! *cuddles*

Bunnies are always hungry.

Giol likes to eat. He also likes to be out of his cage (can't really blame him, it's boring in there). That makes getting food for myself rather, ah, interesting.

No, he didn't open the door himself, but he did slip between my legs when I opened the door. He does that all the time. Usually he starts digging at the vegetable drawer. Other times he notices something interesting on the shelves and starts digging and pulling at that. It's pretty amazing that anything is in one piece in there.

Naturally, he likes carrots. He just about took my thumb off trying to get at one that I was taking of of the vegetable drawer. He also likes celery. And fruit. If I'm eating an apple I have to give him part of it because he starts begging. Just like a dog but without the noise. He also likes grapes. He eats the stems, too, so that's one less thing for me to throw away. (My one little garbage disposal. lol Not really. )

Hmm. Blueberries, the green leafy bits off strawberries (not the fruit itself), nectarines, peaches... oh! And be very careful you don't leave the pits where he can get at them because he will try to nibble at them and they're just as bad for rabbits as they are for people. (I think it's cyanide that comes from pits, but it could be some other poison.)

And never, ever feed him raisins. I gave him three once because he begged me to and for the rest of they day he was like a hydrogen molecule. Even when standing still he vibrated more than usual. He slept for two days after that. Not quite nonstop, but almost.

He'd still beg for raisins after that, but I had to be firm and not give him any. Interestingly enough he doesn't seem to get hyper off of dried apricots.

To read this it must seem like I feed him a lot of sugar. Haha! Every little kid's dream, a diet of candy!

No. These are all treats. His main diet consists of weed and grass clippings from the frontage road near my apartment. It's free and has many more interesting flavors than packaged Timothy grass. When dandelions are in bloom I give him those, too, because they're high in vitamin A and he just loves the taste. It's so much fun watching him eat with his little cheeks vibrating and his fuzzy lips wiggling. I have got to get some kind of video camera so I can tape him eating. Now wouldn't that be fun to watch.
