Hi! My name is K.D., although most online know me as misachan83. I'm 32, and am an author and anime lover. Welcome to the shadows of my creative and sometimes odd mind
Hi! My name is K.D., although most online know me as misachan83. I'm 32, and am an author and anime lover. Welcome to the shadows of my creative and sometimes odd mind
(From B:The Beginning)
Yep, I’m still hanging around, although I admit that it’s been a while since I’ve really been able to do much on the O. I’m slowly working on more things, but there’s also been plenty in life in general that’s been keeping me occupied.
On that, first off, we finally were able to get moved and situated in our new place. It’s been a long time coming, but thank goodness it’s pretty much done. Of course, now I have some issues health wise. I have a nasty kidney stone that hopefully will be dealt with in the coming week. It’s too large to pass on its own, so to the doctor I’ve had to go. Hopefully everything will get resolved with no real problems with said kidney. I’m keeping my fingers crossed, considering my family has a history of those issues.
On a lighter note, I’ve recently been able to watch some new anime too. I’ve gotten to really like B: The Beginning. It’s a good one so far and I’m thinking about posting a small review on it when I’m done. I’m thinking about starting Violet Evergarden afterwards, but am not sure yet. I’ve still got some others to catch up on too.
Anyway, hopefully I can focus a little more on art and all now that some things in my life are halfway resolved. Glad to see some of my friends are still here too. I’ve really missed you all.
Sorry I haven't been around for a while. Life's been happening and I haven't had time to really be on here. But I wanted to say that I'm still around and alive, and I thought I'd give an update on other places to find me outside of here just in case anything happens with this site (been noticing a lot of posts about that and am a bit concerned. I want to keep my friends here if I can)
Facebook - Personal Author Artist
I share stuff on these pages a lot and I can keep in contact through all of them. On the up note, I also hope that everyone's been doing well here. I've been out for a while, so I don't know exactly who's left, but I hope you guys are all still around. Hope you're having a good new year!
Hey everybody. So to start off, sorry I haven't been around that much lately. There's been a lot going on and I've been kind of sick with allergies on top of that. I figured I'd do a post here and talk a little (and also say that yes, I am still alive)
So, I guess first off is that my time has been a bit limited lately on making wallpapers and drawing. That and it's been kind of hit and miss on inspiration. I'm currently trying to put together one of Hisoka from HunterxHunter, but it's been difficult for whatever reason to get it to come together. Eventually I'll get there.
But that also leads to my main issue as of late, and that's tied into a depressive episode. I kind of knew it was coming, considering they always follow manic episodes when it comes to me, and it's been a bummer. I won't complain too much on here or go deep into it. I'll just admit that I have it and have been fighting it a lot lately with limited success. I feel bad that it's shut me down here for a while though. I like making wallpapers and drawing and talking to everybody. It's just been a little difficult lately with not thinking that clearly at times.
I've actually gotten myself back into trying to do things recently though. I even started playing Apocripha/0, which I haven't played in quite a while. It's lightened my mood a little more now.
In other, better news, I've managed to finish my latest novel and am in the final proofreading stage of it. I'm struggling a little for a cover, but at least the novel is completely finished. I have two other projects that I'm trying to get into as well. One of them I found after I thought I'd lost it on my computer that crashed, which is awesome. So that helps some with the depression I've felt. Hopefully I'll be able to start drawing and getting more wallpapers done now too (once I squeeze in with helping my husband crabbing and working on these projects).
Thank you if you stopped by to read this too. I always appreciate feedback and just seeing that people looked. All of you are great friends!
Thought I'd share a new IPhone wallie that I made from Yuri!! On Ice. There's no section now, so I'll share it here
So I'm trying to figure out some ideas for some new wallpapers, and I'm coming up a little empty at this moment for inspiration. Does anyone have any suggestions for me to maybe work on? Any ideas would be welcome and greatly appreciated, and I'd be willing to do requests too