I've Got A Little Red Bow And I Bought It For You

Today's entry won't be much. An update on my progress with Inure (current word count, how much I wrote today, etc.) and a brief rundown of my works-in-progress, for future reference.

First things first:

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What started out as a Prison Break fanfiction detailing my version T-Bag's childhood has turned into a 30+ page piece of original fiction, with T-Bag's backstory revealed in season two of Prison Break and thusly retconning mine. I've been working on it (slowly, but surely) since August of 2006, and am pleased to say that I really feel as if I'll have it finished soon.

However, it's not for the faint of heart (anyone who has seen Prison Break should understand this already). It details the story of a troubled boy whose alcoholic father hates him. His father uses every opportunity he gets to punish his son, with punishments becoming suddenly more severe after the boy's return from his first stint in juvie. The boy, already tormented by his father at home, is also an outcast at school, and ridiculed daily. Despite such horrors in his life, he remains optimistic and hopeful throughout the story.

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A short story written in an odd style (little description, lots of single sentence paragraphs). It was inspired by the tracker from Behind Enemy Lines, and, as such, details the life of a freelance sniper/tracker in a country under the constant siege of war. Certain instances of dialogue are written in internet-translated Serbian (wish I knew Serbian to make it more accurate, but I don't), but context clues (usually) give you the general idea of what's being said.

There's not too much left for me to do with this one, I just haven't had the urge to work on it. It's nearly finished, and I'll probably finish it up soon.

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Today's word count: 438
Total word count: 13,651

Post Title From: "Home" by Breaking Benjamin
