Name: Kayla | Age: 17 | Twitter

She's Salt Of The Earth, And She's Dangerous

Haven't written in a few days (obviously) because of some personal problems I'm trying to deal with, but I felt a bout of inspiration earlier and got a little work done in What He Is.

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Today's Word Count: 416
Total Word Count: 3405

Also, after asking my boyfriend what he thought of "Oversleeping," compared to What He Is, I edited "Oversleeping" a little and added it into What He Is. Hopefully it's closer in style than the last time, and, double hopefully, what I've just written isn't too out of style.

Post Title From: "She's A Rebel" by Green Day

Put Away Those Pliers, Honey. Trust Me 'Cause I Know The Options

Another response to the recent Writers' Bloc prompts post. I'll probably write one for each of the remaining three prompts as well, for What He Is, as I need to get back into the writing style for it because I'm thinking about finishing it up soon...

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Deep Inside These Burning Buildings Voices Die To Be Heard

Today's post is nothing but a question (and an update, of course).

When you hear "Snipers 'R Us", what do you think of?


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Today's word count: 66 (woo! Haha... yeah, I'm really tired tonight...)
Total word count: 13,717

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Progress: Edited some instances where foreign language characters didn't show up in OpenOffice after converting from the original WordPerfect file, and then saving as a Word document.

Post Title From: "Drones" by Rise Against

I've Got A Little Red Bow And I Bought It For You

Today's entry won't be much. An update on my progress with Inure (current word count, how much I wrote today, etc.) and a brief rundown of my works-in-progress, for future reference. First things first: ...

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