Put Away Those Pliers, Honey. Trust Me 'Cause I Know The Options

Another response to the recent Writers' Bloc prompts post. I'll probably write one for each of the remaining three prompts as well, for What He Is, as I need to get back into the writing style for it because I'm thinking about finishing it up soon, as it's closer to being done than Inure is.

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He hadn't slept properly in awhile. Hadn't been home in nearly a month and a half.

He'd been contracted for a long job, and it had required every ounce of his concentration and patience to pull off.

An hour here or there throughout the night—whenever he could risk it and not lose his target.

But he was home now, and his mattress was inviting him to a deep slumber.

The pounding on his door was becoming mildly irritating.

He roused—slowly, taking his time to stretch the aches from his sore body—and grabbed his handgun from his bedside table.

Never hurt to be overly prepared in this neighborhood, and he'd learned that the hard way.


Overslept. Again.

He sighed, and scratched the pre-arranged appointment off his calendar.

So much for new clients.

Post Title From: "Mandy Goes to Med School" by The Dresden Dolls
