A world full of YouTube videos of Caramelldansen. For space's sake, I removed the unamed videos, some of the less known series, similar videos, and unavailable ones. None of the videos are mine, but I thought it was a pain in the neck to have to search for all the good ones on YouTube.

Background drawn and colored by our own TheAngelRaine!

English Caramelldansen Lyrics!

English:{Thanks to DonSuke1 for the rest of the translation =D}

We wonder are you ready to [do this/join]
Arms up now you'll see
Come an
Anyone can [do this/join]

So move on your feet
and wiggle your hips
Do as we do
To this melody

Dance with us
Clap your hands
Do like we do
Take some steps to the left
Listen and learn
Don't miss the chance
We're here now with
The Caramelldance
