
The Castle of Darkness, located in Tirana, the capital of Albania. The castle is huge and medieval. Once behind the gates there lies a whole different world filled with "mythical" creatures. Once finding out about your powers you are eventually braught to Castle Darkness. The most powerful creatures reside here and untold things happen inside the castle. Many people disappear once they come in contact with the castle....

More Characters

Blade Fortica:
Physical: Dark wavy hair, brazilian accent, tanned skin, 5'9'', 160lbs, size 10 foot, toned/light muscle
Mental: Never really know what he's thinking. Can't possibly know if he's good or bad until he makes a decision, likes to flirt.
Summary: Blade Fortica is the on-the-fence character. He doesn't do something unless it benefits him and he really like the lead Valencia Dawn. Blade is a shapeshifter and often watches over Val when she is in need. Blade often disappears for days at a time and doesn't tell anyone where he's been. Whenever Val is lonely or needs help she calls Blade and he is completely fine with that relationship. He doesn't like being too close to anyone.

Stefanie Titon:
Physical: Bleached blonde hair in a short bob, artificial tan, 5'5'', 120lbs
Mental: Doesnt care about anything but herself. Has hurt many people but doesnt care. Picks on unpopular kids
Summary: Stefanie starts being mean to Val because she knows she has a secret. She wants everything Val has and is trying to win the attention of Conroy just because she notices Val talking to hm alone in the lunch room one day. Basic high school villian. Ha

Nicole Redman:
Physical: Curly brown hair, tall, pale, mean
Summary: Not much on Nicole because she is just Stefanie's sidekick. Most the time she is with her but she doesnt say anything just the occasional repeat and smart remark. She wants to be Val's friend but knows she cant if she wants to stay in the in crowd

Samuela Dennis:
Physical: Unruly red hair, freckles, blue eyes, short, obsessed with video games and talking about Stefanie
Summary: Sam is very jealous of Stefanie. They used to be friends but when Stefanie started talking about Val Sam stayed on Val's side. Sam is very understanding but somewhat obsessed with the idea of being popular

Johnathon Jamieson:
Physical: copper hair, well built, muscular, tan, rough with angel like features
Summary: John goes out with Nicole. Val has always liked him but neglects Conroy's warnings about John being a jerk. Fortunately her affections turn elsewhere. John wants what he cant have so he becomes interested in Valencia.

Dusk Dowry:
Physical: goth, black hair-shoulder length, tall, skinny, pale, vampire
Summary: Dusk Dowry is the only other vampire that went to school with Val. When Val realizes she is a vampire she looks for his picture in the yearbook. Dusk always kept a close eye on Val so once she finds out about everything they meet again.
