its kinda weird actually, cuz the rhyming usually comes to me randomly. i can sit down at my computer and begin to unleash my thoughts and feelings, and next thing i know, im rhyming XD
i cant help it though, one time i tried to write a non rhyming poem...and it STILL rhymed lol.
im glad u like my poetry...if u notice from the beginning poems to the later ones, they went from petty things to more deep feelings. karmira notices when ever my works turn sad. especially my wallpapers XD
but i AM glad u like it and im sorry u have to relate to it....>.< it sux to have to go thru this
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
twilight tiger
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
thank you
its kinda weird actually, cuz the rhyming usually comes to me randomly. i can sit down at my computer and begin to unleash my thoughts and feelings, and next thing i know, im rhyming XD
i cant help it though, one time i tried to write a non rhyming poem...and it STILL rhymed lol.
im glad u like my poetry...if u notice from the beginning poems to the later ones, they went from petty things to more deep feelings. karmira notices when ever my works turn sad. especially my wallpapers XD
but i AM glad u like it
and im sorry u have to relate to it....>.< it sux to have to go thru this