23 skidoo

My Hero

I have talked with the greatest person in the world, and he is a self-proclaimed "white suburban rapper" who is obsessed with Jesus and Naruto Shippuden. Here's a pic for reference:

I want to be just like him when I grow up.

Just remember: if you're debating with someone, randomly putting WORDS in all caps is a surefire WAY to VICTORY. If you keep THAT in mind, you are already a step closer to being this guy.

Now I know I'm brutal...

...because I'm listening to death metal. Confused? Prepare to be informed.

While browsing deviantart the other day, I stumbled upon this little gem: Dennis ft. Chelsea by saintdennis (Patron Saint of Bad Poets). I read it once. Then I read it again to make sure it wasn't a figment of my imagination, and I decided that it needed to be recorded.

Be warned: I am NOT a good singer, and the quality is really bad because it was recorded using a free computer program and a USB mic that has been laying on the floor of my bedroom for 6 months. And my guitar is missing a string. It's only a minute and a half long though, so it shouldn't be too painful. Plus, it's hilarious.

Download it here for the lulz.

P.S. - The genre is "folk-punk." Manly knows what I'm talkin' about.
