- Affectionate Parody: Of theO's chatroom and culture.
- Arc Symbol: The o^o face constantly appeared during "The Curious Case of the Girl in the Chatroom" arc.
- Art Evolution: Mostly done gradually, but demonstrated best here.
- Art Shift: In "Misunderstanding" and "Parting".
- Bilingual Bonus: Japanese, usually translated somewhere else. Made use of hilariously with “¿Que pasa?”.
- Bonus Material: The Extras. Some of them are even in color.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Garnet and Dee show how it's done in "Observation".
- Creator Cameo: In "CNews".
- Crosses the Line Twice: Pretty much any instance involving Jésus.
- Cut and Paste Comic: Some panels are complete carbon copies of the first panel, just with new expressions drawn in or with new people put in the scene. No apologies are made.
- Deadpan Snarker: Many of the mods and their buddies for survival purposes, but Thane’s more adept than most.
Shelley: I don’t like the look of this. Make a sketch of this symbol and show it around to the folks. Maybe we’ll get a hit. And spare me the Shirley joke, Thane.
Thane: You know me entirely too well. - Different as Night and Day: Alice and Saiyuki.
- Expy: Every Lobby regular has one.
** Write Who You Know - Interactive Comic
- Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: Things that have shown up so far: Spiritcapture Rangers (Heartcatch Precure) and Who's Talking Now, Though? (Whose Line Is It, Anyway?).
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: No one knows what Emina is planning, but he has alluded to the fact that there may be more members than just he and Saiyuki.
- Only Six Faces: Characters are usually told apart by height, hairstyle and clothing.
- Reasonable Authority Figures: The Operators.
- Two Gamers on a Couch: A few strips are set up like this in various forms. Lampshaded in "Tour".
- Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Saiyuki vs. Lily.
- Written Sound Effect
- Xtreme Kool Letterz: The room “tiemspece of the tearz of a lone angel gurl”, or just about any time someone uses chatspeak in their dialogue.