Welcome to the Checkmate Arcade, your home for quarter munching fun. Each week we'll tell you what video games we've been playing and give you the hottest news right off the presses. We'll throw in the NPD numbers, top 5 lists, and release dates that are Coming Soon to round out the show as well. So, come on by each week for a great time.

Don't forget to send us an email at [email protected].

Checkmate Arcade Ep. 69 - Don't Hate The Splinter Cell

Episode from 09-26-2009.

We are back and starting to make some changes to the show. This is going to be the last 2 hour plus show for a long time. “Why is the show so long?” you ask. Well, that's because we talk about the pure concentrated awesome that was the Penny Arcade Expo 2009. Tune in to find out what happened at the convention.

Show Link: http://www.vsrealms.com/forum/showthread.php?t=65347

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Send us an e-mail: [email protected]
