Welcome to the Checkmate Arcade, your home for quarter munching fun. Each week we'll tell you what video games we've been playing and give you the hottest news right off the presses. We'll throw in the NPD numbers, top 5 lists, and release dates that are Coming Soon to round out the show as well. So, come on by each week for a great time.

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Checkmate Arcade Ep. 61 - A Trip To The Amish Black Market

This week we finally have a guest after 30 plus episodes. The high ranking Call of Duty player, Ken Kondor joins use for an epic sized show. Jason scratches his poker itch with WSOP: 2008 and he goes all ninja on us in N+. Steven finds out the hard way that he needs to brush up on his Street Fighter 4 skills and he gets his best kill streak, ever, in World at War. Some major news and Kondor's Call of Duty advice on this war filled episode.

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