- Created By Hagi girl
Teh bus pulled away frum teh curb, on it were nine cheerleaders from Quadruped High excited for teh cheer turnomant. It in a city. Far away. In a city.
Licca teh cheer, caption look over her squad. She proud of teh hard of teh work tey done. To get this far. And now they go compeet with cheer leader all over teh state 4 champion cheer. "Alright girls listion up! We gettin close we just gotta go through tis non magical dark tunnel and we'll be in teh big city!" Licca say to her squad. Max teh only Boy cheer leader say I can't "Wait!" Ashlee say "I excited 2 go shopping after teh turnoment!" The other Ashley not look up frum texting. Tonya-sue say" This 'ill be funner than two dawgs shootin outta barrell!"
"Your joy will be short lived when we loose..."Say Emily sorrow Bleedingwrists.
"With god on our side, we can't loose...unless he wishes it." Say Hannah.
"Lorem Feram!" Say Patty in Latin cause she always show off liek tat
Whitney just look out teh window.
"Everybody hold ur breath for teh tunnel!" Say Licca
Suddenly a grey SUV swerved into the path of the bus. Panicked, the driver heaved the bus left with a jerk of the wheel, lurching the bus dangerously close to the walls of the tunnel. The girls screamed in terror as they were flung about their seats. Suitcases flew out from under the seats. Licca, who had been standing by the driver, was thrown forward, tumbling over, limbs flailing, smashing her shoulder on a seat before landing hard on the floor. Hannah screamed and prayed fervently to God. The driver tried to right the bus but overcorrected sending it careening into the lane of oncoming traffic
Tonya-Sue was the only one besides the driver to see the semi truck bearing down on them. She gripped the back of the seat in front of her, shot to her feet and let loose a blood curddling shriek The driver stood on the breaks as the warning sound of the eighteen wheeler's horn rang in the ears of the nine cheerleaders. It was the loud, long wail of death, like a banshee, warning them of a fate they could not escape.
There was the sickening sound of metal scraping against metal, peeling back, crunching like paper in the hands of a uncaring god. The smell of gasoline, the sparks from the friction....and a bright, blinding flash....the scream of the dying...
except they didnt die.
Bright light shoned through teh window of teh bus and Licca open her eyes. Teh other cheerleaders were geting 2 there feet everyone was seemed 2 b Ok. But...where were they?
Then Licca noticed teh stranger standing outsid teh bus, he wear a long black coat wit red clouds....who he?
2 B continued!