Welcome to ChiruPon no Sekai, the place where ChiruPon will be posting all her important and semi-significant stuffs.
- Created By ChiruPon
Latest Obsession: Foxkeh
My latest obsession is Foxkeh, the adorable fox born in Japan! Foxkeh is the Mozilla Firefox's mascot for promotional activities in Japan. The name is a mixture of the English word "fox" and a popular ending for boy's names in Japan, "suke" (like Kyosuke, Kensuke, Keisuke, Taisuke, etc.), so in actuality, the name should be spelled "Fokusuke" (how it is spelled in Japanese). His blog promotes not only the internet browser, but Shiretoko National Park. For those who do not know, every new version of Mozilla Firefox is named after a national park (the most recent version is named "Shiretoko"). If you check out Foxkeh's blog, it even has a bunch of transparent PNGs for you to make graphics with. (laugh) For the spirit of cute things, I ended up grabbing a render and drawing up the banner you see. I even changed my "Persona" (for non-Firefox users, it is sort of like a layout for your web browser- just another reason to love Mozilla) into a Foxkeh theme (He has his own section of Personas to choose from.) My personal favorites would be Hanami, Tanabata, and Canoe. If you have not scoped out the Foxkeh Personas, yet, you should really check it out!
[P.S.] Foxkeh is not the only online mascot. If you are curious for more cute foxes, their names are Kit (America), G-Fox (China), and Foxmosa (Taiwan). The character designs are incredibly culture based (the art is made to suit every audience). Personally, I think Foxmosa is the cutest, and it is not just because I am Taiwanese. (After Foxmosa, it would be Foxkeh, G-Fox, and Kit.) If anyone is wondering why I am obsessed with Foxkeh, but I like Foxmosa better, well, that is simply because Foxkeh has more pictures and Personas.
Trophy (yay)& Advertising?
Yay! I just realized I got a trophy! I do not have many talents, so for the few talents I do have, it is nice to be rewarded with pixels shaped as a trophy cup. (^o^) Although, that really is not the reason I am here (Dun, dun, dun). I am here to advertise my LiveJournal community. I actually made it a year ago, hoping people would join, but with zero advertising and no friends on LJ, it did not exactly work out. (laugh) I recently decided to go back to LJ, and I decided to revive the community (which only had myself and my old account as members), so what I am trying to say is if anyone has a LiveJournal, feel free to join. It is called, "☆★ + 「ASIAN POP CULTURE GRAPHICS」 + ★☆." Sorry for the unnecessary capitalization and symbols, but that is the community's full name. You can view the rules and stuff here. If anyone is interested, leave a comment here.
Finding South Korea
I never noticed this before, but if you are watching the ending credits of Hetalia, you can see South Korea (Im Yong Soo)! Apparently, he was scheduled to be in the first season, but due to all the drama, Studio Deen had to cut him out. However, I was told if you look very closely, in some of the episodes, you may be able to find him (for example in the world meeting episode and the grocery episode). In the totally neat, organized, and legible banner I made, you can see how South Korea was supposed to look as an anime character, his manga design, and the ending theme that has a mysterious purple outfitted chibi. Additionally, there is a tiny picture of Episode 14, or the grocery line episode. Apparently, one of those heads in line is Korea's. Can you find him? If so, I may reward you. (laugh) But anywho, I just wanted to share this totally important information that just may change your life. I hope you enjoyed it.
Why Computers Suck
I hopped on the computer after a long day, flipped on the light switch, and plopped into my chair. The screen saver was on, so I moved the mouse. What did I see? My wallpaper was missing and replaced with a warning message and the image that you see pops up on my computer, saying that if I do not buy the fancy virus removal program they are offering, my computer will be in "grave danger." Of course, I am not stupid. A real protection program would not go so far as to hijack one's computer and replace their wallpaper with such a message. Thus, when the window pops up asking me to buy it, I click, "Cancel." Only, after I click it, I find out that nothing I press on the computer works except for the "Buy Now" button. Nothing worked except for Internet Explorer- not even FireFox. You know why? Because morons who have nothing better to do with their lives are not dumb. If they make it impossible to do anything on the computer, how will they get a hold of your credit card numbers, passwords, and other important information?
Huh. Perplexing. I went over to my sister's laptop, and looked it up. From there, I had to download two programs to get rid of the virus. Now, from here, I figured out that unless the program is named "explorer," it will not open. Thus, I renamed the said program as "explorer" and opened it up. The program got rid of the virus's ability to prevent me from doing anything. The second program actually got rid of the wretched thing. I did a "Quick Scan," which got rid of most of the stuff, and then a "Full Scan." Only, after I did the latter, I found out my computer was infested with a "DNSchanger" Trojan virus. Great. Only, this time, I can not get rid of it. What to do? Well, I could create a log and send it to one of those computer geek help sites, or I could wait for the computer to crash and get a new one...
I think I will go with the latter.
One Inch Needle
Today I had the ultimate pleasure of going to a dentist appointment and doctor appointment on the same day. Lovely, right? I woke up, ate breakfast, went to the dentist, ate lunch, then went to the doctor's office. (>__<) Nothing of interest happened, besides the fact that I have one cavity (too much juice) and received a vaccine. When I felt the needle go through, I could tell it went in pretty deep. (I could feel it deep within my body...creepy, huh?) But it was not until I saw my sister get the same shot did I realize that the needle that pierced the skin was one inch long. Additionally, the band aid the nurse used was super strong, because when I finally took it off, all of my hair in the area got ripped off. It was more painful than the shot. (laugh) To put it the way my sister put it, "What an evil band aid!" Can you believe she is eighteen? She acts ten years younger than that. Anywho, it is pretty late (11:15 PM, oi!), and I have more stuff to do tomorrow, so I will close for now. (´~`) Good night.~