Did you watch when they stuck it in? I had my eyes closed, but when I saw my sister get hers, I realized the needle was an inch long. (O__O) That is probably why it still hurts.
Three shots? For what? That sounds totally painful. (O__O)
This is really random, but I went with my friend to her doctor's appointment (don't ask why), she got six tubes of blood pumped out of her. They wanted to test it for allergies or something. The containers were huge, though. If I were her, I would definitely pass out.
Wow...Not only are you forced to go to the doctor's and the dentist's but you have stuff to do, too. Wow!No time for recovery from escaping the clutches of the "Evil Band-Aid" either. bummer
Last edited by kalasinhatake at 11:38:06 PM EDT on July 31, 2009.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/02/09 | Reply
I couldn`t watch. I`m terribly afraid of needles. I was listening to my Ipod just to calm myself down.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/01/09 | Reply
Did you watch when they stuck it in? I had my eyes closed, but when I saw my sister get hers, I realized the needle was an inch long. (O__O) That is probably why it still hurts.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/01/09 | Reply
That HPV shot is a killer. They had to do it in my other arm... The one with one STILL hurts. it hurts more than the arm with two.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/01/09 | Reply
Ouchie. I only got the HPV shot. xD I have to come back in four months to get the last shot.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/01/09 | Reply
hepatitis B, Hpv and... meningoccoal.(or however it`s spelt.)
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/01/09 | Reply
Three shots? For what? That sounds totally painful. (O__O)
This is really random, but I went with my friend to her doctor's appointment (don't ask why), she got six tubes of blood pumped out of her. They wanted to test it for allergies or something. The containers were huge, though. If I were her, I would definitely pass out.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/01/09 | Reply
Don`t worry, I got THREE of those yesterday. My arm still hurts...Oww...
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/31/09 | Reply
Wow...Not only are you forced to go to the doctor's and the dentist's but you have stuff to do, too. Wow!No time for recovery from escaping the clutches of the "Evil Band-Aid" either. bummer
Last edited by kalasinhatake at 11:38:06 PM EDT on July 31, 2009.
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/31/09 | Reply
Yep, I have a band aid shaped bald spot now. (laugh)
She is......eccentric? Sometimes I wonder about her, with a personality like that...
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/31/09 | Reply
Geez I hate the dentist. I feel for you;) To do both in one day is a total bummer.