Residing in the Mind of Nine

Blog Repurposing

Okay. I know I'm not active at all on this site, and maybe I should be since there's a huge community. Sort of a waste that I'm not more involved and such, but there are a lot of things preventing me from doing so... Like last semester of school...graduation...finding real world work... you know not so important stuff...

But anyway, to the main point: I'm re-purposing this blog.

All my close friends know that I'm a cosplayer. I love being able to make costumes, go to conventions, dick around, have photos taken, take photos, and dick around some more!


I've been recounting all the cosplays that I've done, and looking back at all the pictures and stuff of me (old highschool pictures, pictures with friends tagged on facebook, makeup pictures, old cosplay pictures... etc) and I've never really been too proud of my appearance, or confident. Really.

Anyway, This has been an on and off goal, but I think I need to really get serious about this. Graduation is coming up, and I want need a confidence boost.

I don't want to look into the mirror and see this flabby, 5'0'' little girl and think that I don't look good in these new pants, that I don't look good enough cosplaying this character, and that I don't look good enough amongst my friends (WHO ARE ALL SLIM AND BEAUTIFUL DLFKASDKL DDDD:::)

New years resolution or not, I need to get serious. I need to stay honest.

I've once started running 1-2km every other day once, and yeah I started seeing a difference. I lost a good 5-6lbs within a month and a half... Unfortunately, near the end of that year, I slipped on some ice and ended up twisting my ankle. That injury really left me in the dumps because I couldn't run for a good 3-4 months. I was just starting to lose weight, and all of the sudden I couldn't anymore.

Anyway... I've distracted from my main topic and that was to re-purpose this blog into a weight loss (not necessarily for cosplay) blog.

Yes. I'm gonna be flooding this with cosplay progress, and one of my other New Year resolution was to also blog more (like I said last time.. *cough*). Some_Guy will keep me honest on this one... right?

IDEAL WEIGHT FOR MY HEIGHT 5'0'' / 20-25 / F : 102-127lb

Honestly, if I can lose 10-15lb by spring, I will be ECSTATIC. Kid you not.
