Code Lyoko is a 97-episode long French anime I stumbled onto a few years back, during it's first run. I thought it was mediocre at first, but it got better as it progressed, and by the end, I was a huge fan. Unfortunately, the ending of the series was the worst cop out I'd ever seen.

Thus, I began to re-write an old Code Lyoko fan fiction I wrote between the 3rd and 4th seasons, to act as a new ending. Those who have read the completed story on other sites say that my ending is far better than the one from the show, and a few of them even sent query letters to the production company, wanting them to make a 5th season based on it. (Obviously failed.)

I'm in the process now of rewriting the original 20-episode serial, as my writing has improved greatly over the time. I'm also experimenting with doing some are based on the series, so I'll post that here too, along with the story.

NEXT EPISODE - X01 - Strike

Code : ANGEL - Version 1

This is the "original version" of Code ANGEL, not the one I'm currently rewriting. The new version will fix a number of the "unrealisms" and plot holes I came to see after completing it, plus some new story elements and a whole new story ark....

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