Ellenor's OC interview


(This interview was conducted via time machine – given that the interviewee is in 1926)
What’s your name and where do you come from?
My name is Adela Burns and I am originally from Surrey, but currently working in the East end of London.

How did you become a detective?
I met Lucas (Miller) back in the dying days of the Great War, I had to drag his huge arse into the ambulance to take him back to the field hospital. I didn’t see him again until the journey back to England. He offered me the opportunity to work with him, well once I’d finish my education and any necessary business to be done.

Hang on weren’t you only 16 at the time? How did you get away with it?
I was 15 in 1917, when I first joined the war effort. *smiles cheerfully* I lied about my age and I got away with it. Esme is still angry at me for that. She’s forgiven me though but won’t let me forget about that.
(I don’t know whether to be impressed or agree with Esme. . .)
You can do both :3

Speaking of Esme, how do you know her and what is she to you?
She is a very dear and special friend, whose unfortunately married to my brother.
(Why do you say unfortunately?)
Both you and I will get into trouble for the words I want to use, so lets just settle with that we don’t get along and that he is a useless clot.
Anyway, I’ve known Esme since I was a young girl and she’s always been a close friend of mine, despite her being a few years my senior. She’s always been very patient with my rambunctious nature *laughs* I really do need to repay her some day. . . :)

Do we enjoy your work as a detective?
Yeah, wouldn’t want to do anything different. Couldn’t ever imagine myself as a house wife . . . just imagine the trouble I’d cause *mischievous grin* Besides this life style suits me best and I like proving to those that women are just as capable as men.
(though you can’t currently vote can you)
That’s right, I’m too young and I don’t own my own place – though I get the feeling things will change in the coming years. Well if the politicians are to be believed.
(You know I can’t give you details about the future)
Worth a try :3

What cases have disturbed you the most?
Those committed by those who thought they could get away with it because of their power and position, and the ones who do. Those who are innocent but are convicted. Though that’s to be expected in a way, though the ones that leave me feeling the most uncomfortable are the cases that get resolved too quickly, that it’s all too simple and the ones who never get solved at all.

Do you think your gender/age/size is ever a disadvantage for you in your line of work?
Personally only knocking down large doors is the only real disadvantage I’ve found, I’m not that tall and just charging into the door has very little impact, where I take more damage than the door. My gender and age is more of a problem to other people, people won’t take me seriously because of it at times and I have to work twice as hard o be seen as half as good and also deal with the barrage of comments and unwanted opinions.
(does this bother you at all?)
Not particularly, they’re a bit annoying and get in the way of investigations, but it’s water off a ducks back really.

Thank you for the interview~
Thank you for having me ;)
(please don’t get into any trouble. . .)
I always try not too~