- Created By darthsasuke
You disgust me
So I just got out of the shower. May I please say that if you are going to shed your hair all over the shower that you clean it up or SOMETHING?! Or better yet. Don't do it at all. Ew. I mean really? Where did that hair come from? Your head? You chest? (gross) Or worst of all. Your... *pukes* e_e You know I don't think I'm going to say it. I think you understand what I'm saying. You know what's worse? When your in a bathroom and someone leaves crap stains on the toilet. Gross. Clean up after yourselves people! Please? I'm asking nicely. Anyway... let's change the subject. This is just turning nasty. Urm... oh yeah. The other day at school this guy who is kind of my friend says, "Big". I had my mind in the gutter and replied, "That's what she said." It got really quiet. I'm suprised I couldn't hear crickets chirping. I mean, come on! Did they not get that joke?! They must have. I think what it was, was that they aren't used to hearing me say things like that. I'm usually just very random and energetic. What they DON'T know is that I'm a total perv. ;p Ha! I really am, though. I just don't always show it. My closest friends know I think dirty. Then again most of my friends think dirty, too. ._.' Like it will be raining and one of my friends will come inside from the rain and say, "I'm so wet." And I'll bust out laughing. Yes. I know I am immature at times. You don't have to tell me what I already know.