Woah. That bites. Sorry to hear that. Why'd you sell your laptop? (if you dont mind me asking ><)
*looks at site* AHH! Its great!! (I'm guessing you never found a good 're-draw' mascot for your kitty ;3) I really like it. I showed i to my mom, and she's pretty impressed. If I should hear about anyone wanting/needing any jewelry (after your feeling better that is ;3) I will most certainly refer them to your site. :3
well, I can honestly say I'm happier right now, in this position in life, than I have in... years. Yah, got stresses and burdens- just as anyone else; but I've got someone who loves and understands me and parents who are trying. Its fantabulous. X3 Thanx for asking. Anything new with you?
Burning Silver
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/22/10 | Reply
Woah. That bites. Sorry to hear that. Why'd you sell your laptop? (if you dont mind me asking ><)
*looks at site* AHH! Its great!! (I'm guessing you never found a good 're-draw' mascot for your kitty ;3) I really like it. I showed i to my mom, and she's pretty impressed. If I should hear about anyone wanting/needing any jewelry (after your feeling better that is ;3) I will most certainly refer them to your site. :3
Burning Silver
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/07/10 | Reply
^^; sorry, I've been busy. very busy. but that's life ne? ><
Thats cool, what's your store called- perhaps I can help with the advertising or sumpthin. You know I love to help with stuffs. X3
Burning Silver
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/31/10 | Reply
well, I can honestly say I'm happier right now, in this position in life, than I have in... years. Yah, got stresses and burdens- just as anyone else; but I've got someone who loves and understands me and parents who are trying. Its fantabulous. X3 Thanx for asking. Anything new with you?
Burning Silver
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/09/10 | Reply
wow, sorry to hear that. truly I am. XP well, if you'd like to talk about it- you know I'm always here (except when grounded of course ;3)
Burning Silver
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/20/10 | Reply
Thanx- yah, I have been gone for some time now: about a month or so to be specific. X3 How have you been?