This world has changed it's title so much, Rishi doesn't know what to name it anymore! So Rish decided to name it The World With Many Titles! XD And it's a contest world, to boot. X3

The results of Rishi's last contest are finally in! The next one should start up very, very soon. <3

So enjoy yourselves, kay?

~Rishi, teh genki girl~

Quite a disturbing dream (10/16)

this one was quite disturbing. Viewer warning advised.

Well, so I was in PE. Some kids walked past me, one pushed me down and the others grabbed their knives and tried to stab me. I grabbed one of their knives, and then I squirmed and squirmed and tried to get free.

Suddenly, a gunshot went off, and all the kids scurried away. A teacher had a gun. (O_O)


Mmm...this one was quite a long one, so Rishi will just abridge it.

Anyone remember the movie American Tail? Well, anyway, Rishi was Vivel/Billy..and there were cats. Rishi started to run away, and then hitched a ride with a carpenter mouse and his daughter. Rishi had her baby sister mousie's rattle with her. Rishi swore she would return for her family someday.

Years passed, and Rishi was standing in a Halloween store. Rishi jumped on a bus, picked up her girlfriend mouse (Rishi was a boy, remember? XD) and toyed with the rattle in her hands. Rishi had kept it all those years!

When Rishi finally made it home, she went to her mama mouse and gave the rattle to her. Mama said 'Thank you' and explained that a war was going on between the mice and the cats.

Rishi woke up at that moment, cuz it was six AM, and Rishi always wakes up at six AM for school (damn body wakes up at the wrong time. -_-) Rihsi wanted to go back to find out what happened, but then Rishi realized she had to pee. The end. (XD)

Told you it'd be long!

Dream, 10/08-09/08

Mmm...Rishi's first DREAM post.

Rishi was dreaming that Rishi was at school, and Rishi had to wear an Elmo dipar for some odd reason. Rishi went home and watched the neighbors running around their house, 'cuz they were having guests. Rishi went inside, and Rishi sat down and talked on the phone with Squeechan. Squeechan said 'Congradulations on the promotion' and Rishi said 'Wait, what?'.

Squeechan said 'You're an Otaku Legend! Didn't you get the PM?'

Rishi thought No...Rishi must be dreaming. Rishi's never gonna become an OtakuLegend.

And then Rishi woke up. (Rishi woke herself up! XD)

That's all for today~!



Um...actually, Rishi's been on theotaku for two years and four days. XD Happy anniversary, KoInu Kyan!


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