Welcome to the official convention gathering blog for theOtaku.com. This is a place where theOtaku.com members can read con press releases, make plans and discuss the conventions we are attending.

Current Conventions:

Sakura-Con 2013

  • Date: March 29-31
  • Location: Washington State Convention and Trade Center

Sakura-Con's programming can be found here.

G-Anime 2010

Hey hey everyone, Kastom here.

I'm making this post in the infinitesimally small hope that there exist other theO people that live in/near the Ottawa, Ontario/Gatineau, Quebec area. If anyone does, and if you're reading this now, I must ask, how have you evaded escaped my notice so far?

Anyways, if anyone is going to be in the National Capital region on February 6th or 7th, then you should totally come to G-Anime. It's a small, new con, last year being its first year and bringing only around 850 people. Still, I'm going to be there this year, so it'll be awesome.


I have talked with an OtakuBoards user, and we're planning on meeting on the Saturday. Not sure of the time yet, but it'll probably be around noonish or something.

So basically, drop a comment if you're coming, interested in coming, or just want to make me feel like I'm not being completely useless by posting this.

Youmacon 2009 Information and Meetup

Hey there Michigan otaku! It's that time of the year again: Youmacon is in one week!

This year we're planning another meetup. So far, we've got at least six people from theO attending (Katana, Ryu, schultzie, Kastom, Hiko and myself) and would like to get as many people together as possible!

Only problem: what time. Saturday is the busiest day of the convention, making it the day we need to shoot for as far as attendance. The only sticking point is the time, considering all of the panels and things that happen on Saturday (the down side of being on the busiest day). Here is the schedule for Saturday, in front of the Marquis Ballroom, so what does everyone think? I was contemplating about noon-ish.

Questions? Concerns? You gonna be there? Let me know in the comments!

Anime Vegas 09

Hey theres! We have two cons coming up for Labor Day weekend!

One of them is Animefest in Dallas, Texas.
The other is Anime Vegas in Vegas, Nevada.

I'm mostly interested in those who are going to be at Anime Vegas, since that's the one I'll be at, but if someone going to Animefest wants to plan a meetup too, that would be fun

So onward...

Anime Vegas
Labor Day Weekend (Sat-Mon) Sept 5-7
Cashman Center

I'll be there Saturday and Monday if anyone else will be there and wants a meetup, a schedule should be up on the site this week, so we'll be able to better plan accordingly ^.~

SpoCon and OtakuCon July 31st - August 4

Hey there folks. It is that time again. Time for not one but two conventions that pertain to fandom.

SpoCon debuted last year with a high success. However OtakuCon is going to be brand new this year.

SpoCon July 31st - August 2th

SpoCon is going to be held at Gonzaga University in Downtown Spokane, Washington. I am going to be in charge of a panel and help supply the anime for the three show rooms that we have for this convention. This year is going to be great. I was thinking that if there are any of you somewhat curious about what this con is all about and want to meet up, I will be in one of the anime rooms. I was thinking perhaps Friday or Saturday. The website can be found here and here is the programming.

SpoCon 2009: Are you fan enough?

August 3th-4th

Immediately following, The Gamer's Club of Spokane Community College will be holding their Otaku-Con. This is only a two day event running from 10 AM to 10 PM each day. I am going to come here as well. It is one of the cheapest conventions you can ever go to by only paying $5 a day! I Anyone want to meet up around 1 at the Registation on the 3rd? I will wait there for a half hour.

I look forward to having a meet up of some kind and I apologise for this being short notice. It will be a lot of fun. Hope to see you there!

Anime Expo 2009 Meet-Up

So, hey, the time for Anime Expo is almost upon us! Would've thrown this up a bit sooner, but I've been having a bit of trouble on my end ... nobody wants to hear about that, though, haha.

Anyway, I want to organize a decent theO meet-up for the one day I'll be attending AX -- Friday, July 3rd. There are some big things going on that day (I'll be attending the Seiji Mizushima/Yoskue Kuroda panel at noon, and I know some people who will be at the Morning Musume concert), so I think the best time for the meet-up would be after the concert: Around 4:15 or 4:30 p.m., just to give those at the concert some time to get there.

As for a meeting place, well, I think places will be packed no matter where we go, so I think a good spot will be the South Tower Lobby right in front of the Exhibit Hall entrance, maybe near the escalators. We can find each other easily enough there, and if we want to move somewhere else afterward, we can. If someone else has a better idea for a meet-up spot, however, I am all ears!

So, yeah, if you live close to the Los Angeles area, then join us! We'll hang out, shoot the breeze, make new friends -- cons are a thousand times more fun when you're sharing the experience with other people, after all.

Here's a map of the Los Angeles Convention Center, with a convenient circle around the South Tower Lobby.

Here is the schedule for July 3rd.

And here is a pic of yours truly so that everyone knows who to look for on the day of the convention! I will be wearing this shirt at the con. Easily recognizable!

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Random stuff? Speak now, or forever hold your peace. Hope to see a lot of people there!