Hey theres! We have two cons coming up for Labor Day weekend!
One of them is Animefest in Dallas, Texas.
The other is Anime Vegas in Vegas, Nevada.
I'm mostly interested in those who are going to be at Anime Vegas, since that's the one I'll be at, but if someone going to Animefest wants to plan a meetup too, that would be fun
So onward...
Anime Vegas
Labor Day Weekend (Sat-Mon) Sept 5-7
Cashman Center
I'll be there Saturday and Monday if anyone else will be there and wants a meetup, a schedule should be up on the site this week, so we'll be able to better plan accordingly ^.~
Well the time is almost here! I'll be arriving in Texas tomorrow, just in time for a Con full o' fun! Remember we're having our initial TheO meetup 10am Saturday in the Press Room.
This year, the room next door to Pearl 5 (the home of A-Kon Cosplay for many years now...) has been annexed in the name of costuming and photography!
Looks like there's only one room next to said Pearl 5, so the meet-up will be round-abouts there~
Second Floor Map
Here's the schedule of panels, signings, etc. So if you can't make the meet-up, you can still discuss events to meet-up at so just mention and we'll find out who's planning on being where-when ^^