Welcome to the official convention gathering blog for theOtaku.com. This is a place where theOtaku.com members can read con press releases, make plans and discuss the conventions we are attending.

Current Conventions:

Sakura-Con 2013

  • Date: March 29-31
  • Location: Washington State Convention and Trade Center

Sakura-Con's programming can be found here.

Anime Evolution 2008: Debriefing

Well, con's over. And that's fine by us, 'cause we're all old now and tire easily.

Anyway, Anime Evolution at the University of British Columbia was pretty good. Like usual, as it's still a relatively young fan-run convention, it had its many shares of problems and issues (including a lost venue a month before the convention took place), but the attendance numbers held about even from the year before and already plans are underway for a new venue next year (The Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre).

Site-wise, the OSCgumi Cosplay Group was there as usual and made a spectacle of itself. Outside of them, we had a quick photo of myself, TseUq, Icecore, and Shadowlight:

I'll write some reports and articles within the week, hopefully. They should be good readin'. But for now, I'll just share a little music video I made of the con's events:

Next year, I expect to find more Vancouverite otakuies there! We have a deal?
