Welcome to the official convention gathering blog for theOtaku.com. This is a place where theOtaku.com members can read con press releases, make plans and discuss the conventions we are attending.

Current Conventions:

Sakura-Con 2013

  • Date: March 29-31
  • Location: Washington State Convention and Trade Center

Sakura-Con's programming can be found here.

Post-Con Landing Pad

Hey all, hope you're all healing up and getting back into your normal routines again (which sucks for me, 'cause my normal routine isn't very interesting).

Until we can start getting some better pages up, I'll use this post as a means for us all to share pictures, videos, and our reviews/reports of the convention.

Link them in the comments below, and later I'll make a more definitive post with all the links for this stuff in it. So yeah, if you've got 'em, let's see 'em!
