Me too! Her transformation is possibly my favorite (though Mercury's and Mars's are really nice too).
It's too bad that...well, I'll be writing another short review about that moment XD
Episode 8 was SOOOO good. It had some beautiful animation sequences. Especially Sailor Venus's/Minako. She was my favorite for the whole episode. Loved Artemis too! So epic! *downloads ep8 episodes* Great screen shots! Love them.
Can't wait for episode 9.
Last edited by Klassic at 7:08:14 PM CDT on October 22, 2014.
Embracing Insanity (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/23/14 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
Me too! Her transformation is possibly my favorite (though Mercury's and Mars's are really nice too).
It's too bad that...well, I'll be writing another short review about that moment XD
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/14 | Reply
Episode 8 was SOOOO good.
It had some beautiful animation sequences. Especially Sailor Venus's/Minako. She was my favorite for the whole episode. Loved Artemis too! So epic!
*downloads ep8 episodes* Great screen shots! Love them.
Can't wait for episode 9.
Last edited by Klassic at 7:08:14 PM CDT on October 22, 2014.