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In its early days, this World used to be all about smart discussions and posts and stuff like that. But since I hardly write articles now because of the lack of time, this World is now a place dedicated to showcasing whatever I do that doesn't relate to blogging about my life (which is already covered in this World). So, in a nutshell, this place is for graphics and resources.

Browse (most of) my stuff here by tags:

I take icon requests, so PM me or write me a comment :3 And feel free to use the stuff I make: you don't need to credit me if you use icons, but I'd appreciate some credit for the rest.

Looking for moar shiny?
Rai's iCons n'@ | Dollie's Delightful Graphics | BabyD's Yenesis's Gallery | TimCanpy's Icon Island
Dark Flame 3479's Photostatic Icons | XkeyofdestinyX's Mix&Match | Anna's little things | Blue Latte's iHeart
Alexa's Anonymous Gallery | Kami's LOVE1000% | Klassic's Pink Sweetness | Akane's Flowery Garden
ItachiSasuke's [ICON]ic SymbolS
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If you know of any other worlds with icons/graphics, drop me a line and I'll feature them~

Background pattern: made with Colour Lovers by me.

OH GOD NO! winners!

First of all, I'm terribly sorry, everyone, but because of time constraints I can't post a detailed judging of each and every card. If you'd like to know what I thought of your entry, feel free to comment here or PM me ^^ This challenge has seen some awesome entries, thank you for all of them! I hope you enjoyed making them as much as I enjoyed viewing them.

So, without further ado, here are the winners!
First Place: Asuha612, with I want YOU!
Second Place: Angel Zakuro, with break your heart.!
Third Place: icebox270534, with E.T.!
Special Mentions: SakuraDust (Alimentara), Cleavers4Kids (BEATS are so FRESH), RainMist (Burning on the Dance Floor), MFran (Rocket), Ritona Raito (everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend)

First place gets 10 icons, second place gets 7, third gets 4 and all the special mentions get 2 icons each c: Places 1-3 also get a gift. So, fire away!

P.S. If you don't request your prize within a month from today (the day I announced the winners), you will lose the right to request it.
