it would be nice, but i doubt some will see them right or get their true essence.....but one day i will publish them......i will not let go til our GazeRockers will hear about them
my writings started from the feelings they've awaken with their music, the inspiration and leaving aside the fear of speaking up(am still in that process, but one day.....)
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/12/10 | Reply
@Katherine Talbot:
it would be nice, but i doubt some will see them right or get their true essence.....but one day i will publish them......i will not let go til our GazeRockers will hear about them
my writings started from the feelings they've awaken with their music, the inspiration and leaving aside the fear of speaking up(am still in that process, but one day.....)
Katherine Talbot
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/11/10 | Reply
Wow! Honey, your last poems are beautiful, it touches my soul and in some way you describe how I feel most of the times.
Beautiful work, you should publish them.