Everything happens for a reason. What that reason is isn't always so clear, as the students of Ouran high school have discovered when their school is suddenly bombed. The school merges with Cross Academy, another high school across town, so that the students can keep up with their studies. To make things more complicated, more students from another town have joined in the fun at the Cross Academy, but what is the link that binds them all together?

Please fill in one of the forms below to join. You may have up to 2 ocs in each catagory.


Name(last name first plz):







Special Abilities:


Anything else you want to share?:

Name(last name first please):






If female what host do you prefer?If male what type of host are you?:


Anything else you want to share?

Vampire Knight

Name(last name first please):






Human,Vamp,or guardian:


If Prefect what is your weapon?:

If Vampire what is your power?:

If Vamp what is your blood tolerance and rank?:



Anything else you want us to know?:


YokoCookieChan- Kura Satsuki

wolfdemonchild9- Hiroshima Hunter


"I'm gonna go find Satsuki-chan!" Hunter said. She left. I decided I might as well follow her. Nile got in my why.

"No way in hell are you gonna go after my sister," He growled. I metally sighed. I took a few steps back and thought a second. Why not tell him who I am?

"Hey, I haven't introduced myself yet have I?" I started, my eyes fading back to icy blue."I'm Michi Demontai" I smiled. The blond kid slipped away.


lol its very short, sorry.^^'

Gonna go find.............

I could have laughed but I kept it in. Aido was usually only afraid of Kaname-sama. This was quite strange. But I still glared at the kid. He/she just didn't feel right.

"I'm gonna go find Satsuki-chan!" Hunter said. I nodded and she left. The kid smiled again and I stepped in his path.

"No way in hell are you gonna go after my sister," I hissed. He backed off.

"I'm gonna go find Satsuki-chan!" I said happily. Nile nodded and I ran out the door. I walked into the woods listening to my music. The wind ruffled softly and I heard someone following me. I untwisted the chain from around my waist.

"Who's there?" I asked

Hunter </3 and Nile =)

Rember Me?

I walked into the the moon dorm. Nile as Enma has kindly toldme, and Hunter were talking with the blondie.

"You two do almost look alike!" he said right before I walked up.

"Hey Hunter-chan, Nile-kun!I'm back!Oh and I will now be going to night class!" I smiled at them, not my usaul grin. Enma told me if I did when she got back out she'd lock me in the girly room. It sent a chill down my spine. Nile seemed to be severly mad at me after I talked to him for some reason. Then I turned to blondie. I grinned widely,letting my icy blue eyes turn dark red.

"Remeber Me?" I grinned at him. He started shaking a bit and shivered as my words sent a chill down his spine. Takuma crawled up to my shoulder. Blondie tried to act normal but I could tell that deep down inside he was terrified. I chuckled. This was going to be fun. I might get to play another game. The last game I played was 10 years ago. I killed 20 people that night. It was such a fun game. My grin got wider.

~Michi Demontai

She's my sister stupid!

"What are you doing here?!" Aido asked. I sighed and looked at Hunter. She did a crossover of crossing her fingers and a peace sign which meant okay between us.

"Hunter's my sister Aido. You should have figured that out because we nearly look alike," I said. He gave me a confused look. I looked at Hunter and she pulled her blindfold to around her neck. She opened her eyes and both our eyes turned into our family's eye color, brownish red. Aido's eyes seemed to widen.

"You two do almost look alike!" he said. Me and Hunter flinched.

Hiroshima Nile =)

New plans for studies

I started veiwing the world from someone else's point of view it ended up being the blonde noble's"Nile?!" he exlaimed. So Nile was the name of the unfamialer person."What are you doing here?!?!" He continued. I stopped watching and told Michi to go to head master cross. After a long and confusing conversation with Headmaster it was decided that my first personaility shall attend day class and Michi shall attend the night class.I can't belive i have to change everynight! I was also a prefect now but I didn't need a weapon. Michi headed to the moon dorm with his grin. 'I'm done talking to you good bye' he thought to me. The darkness in his room started to swallow me up again."N-" I cried, but it was to late.

~Demontia Enma