That's definitely crossing the line. Good thing you didn't fight back. Or else they'll give you more 'you suck' comments. I dunno about the others, but I think that you did the right thing of leaving the site rather than reading some comments that'll tear you down every time you log in
Flaming, ne? I've also gotten use to flaming at this other site. Try to take all of those comments as another way of... constructive criticism. Maybe they are unaware of how to give good kind of criticism and how to NOT flame. Just try to not feed the trolls Don't take all of their comments seriously.
I've gotten so use to flaming that it really doesn't affect me. All you have to do is not look at it as they have nothing good to say about your writing it's more like in a way trying to help you get better. Constructional criticisim at least that how i think it's spelled lol any ways don't look at it like oh they don't like your writing or i'm juelous that you can write so well so im going to pick at every little thing and make you feel bad. Look at it as if they ARE trying to encourage you to take another look at your writing and making sure that that is how you would like to publish it. Okay now that i got that out sorry its so long i just didn't feel like PMing today lol. So perk up and don't let that flam eat away at you.
Thank you *sigh* I was just badly wounded in all aspects of the term by it probably from the fact that I have never really experienced such a thing until now. My emotional state is rather bombarded at the moment, but I think with some rest and maybe some high intensity classical music, I'll recover.
man that's horrible! I can't believe such a site exists! There's one thing I know is that I'm never joining that site. If you're not going to say something nice then don't say nothing at all *shakes head*
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/21/10 | Reply
I'm glad you feel better! ^_____^
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/21/10 | Reply
@Kratos Cruxis:
Exactly. Just relax a bit more and feel 150% better! Have a great time Kratos!
Edit: I just read your update ^_^. A writers block?! Hope that'll be gone!
Last edited by SarahPatricia at 9:14:09 AM CDT on July 21, 2010.
Kratos Cruxis
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/21/10 | Reply
Ya, I decided its too much drama and not enough worth.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/21/10 | Reply
@Kratos Cruxis:
That's definitely crossing the line. Good thing you didn't fight back. Or else they'll give you more 'you suck' comments. I dunno about the others, but I think that you did the right thing of leaving the site rather than reading some comments that'll tear you down every time you log in
Kratos Cruxis
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/21/10 | Reply
*sigh* ._. but the second wave of comments were completely generic 'you suck' comments. =_=
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/21/10 | Reply
Flaming, ne? I've also gotten use to flaming at this other site. Try to take all of those comments as another way of... constructive criticism. Maybe they are unaware of how to give good kind of criticism and how to NOT flame. Just try to not feed the trolls Don't take all of their comments seriously.
Hope you feel 100% better!
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/20/10 | Reply
I'm glad you are feeling a little better so keep on meditating or whatever it is you were doing ^^
Keyblade Master (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/20/10 | Reply
I've gotten so use to flaming that it really doesn't affect me. All you have to do is not look at it as they have nothing good to say about your writing it's more like in a way trying to help you get better. Constructional criticisim at least that how i think it's spelled lol any ways don't look at it like oh they don't like your writing or i'm juelous that you can write so well so im going to pick at every little thing and make you feel bad. Look at it as if they ARE trying to encourage you to take another look at your writing and making sure that that is how you would like to publish it. Okay now that i got that out sorry its so long i just didn't feel like PMing today lol. So perk up and don't let that flam eat away at you.
If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy
Kratos Cruxis
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/20/10 | Reply
Thanks ^^ *sigh*
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/20/10 | Reply
@Kratos Cruxis:
okay just take it easy *hugs you* hope you feel better ^^
Kratos Cruxis
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/20/10 | Reply
Thank you *sigh* I was just badly wounded in all aspects of the term by it probably from the fact that I have never really experienced such a thing until now. My emotional state is rather bombarded at the moment, but I think with some rest and maybe some high intensity classical music, I'll recover.
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/20/10 | Reply
man that's horrible! I can't believe such a site exists! There's one thing I know is that I'm never joining that site. If you're not going to say something nice then don't say nothing at all *shakes head*
I hope you feel better so take your time KC